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(*So I ended the last chapter with a cliffhanger.... nd not gonna lie but it felt good to see how many of you are really into this story... I mean now I dont blame 1D for teasers (nd this sentence is a lie... I fucking hate them for that) nd by the last chapter i completed 2/4 of my story*)

After few minutes of trying to catch their breathe and cleaning themself with whatever cloth touched their hand, Liam turned to his side and his heavy eyelids finally drifted him to sleep.

But Zayn?

He lied motionless beside the body, his eyes wide ajar as he stares the ceiling with his heart beating so loud that every beat was vibrating his ear.

'He said my name!!'

Zayn's mind announced giving him a nostalgic feeling so he abruptly sat and threw his head between his knees.

'Stupid stupid stupid stupid Zayn' he mentally curse him and pulls his hair in frustration 'What am I suppose to do now?'

Zayn lifts his head when a quick plan lights his head but soon frowns on realising he can't run from his own house.

'Great! You fucking have to invite him to your house' Zayn mentally slaps himself and rest his head down 'He- He was talking about all this time? S-Spidey likes- loves me??'

Zayn almost chokes on his thought. Now everything makes sense to him- how Spidey shuttered while giving Amber to him, his fucking continuous shutter- just like how he shutter infront of Liam.... and ofcourse with the kiss.

'Aaaaaaa I kissed Spidey once" he grabs his pounding head and gets down his head, not daring to turn around and grant a look to the sleeping body on his bed.

'I got Spidey's feeling involved...... I-I fucked this up' Zayn felt himself falling in a pit of guilt "shit!!!" He hisses under his breathe "I-I can't just hurt him and Liam? How am I gonna face Liam? I-I don't deserve Liam after this...... I-I fucked someone else on our date night- how fucking retard can I get and Spidey- he- he thinks- he loves me..... Fuck!!"

Zayn didn't realised he walked upto window and slid the glass door for air.. he kept blaming  himself for now hurting both Liam and his rival- he cant just leave Liam.. and his thoughts pooled tears in his eyes and they were about to fall when his car nuzzled itself on his feet.

"Amber" Zayn slowly bents down, letting the moonlight cloud inside his room "You need to hide baby" he pets his cat's head "Spidey can't know I'm Zayn... and if finds you here we are screwed for good" he softly chuckles when she settled on Zayn's feet, curling itself to sleep on Zayn's feet.

(*My cat actually slept on my brother's feet once nd Im fucking jealous of that- he is my cat- my cat... thats the key word*)

"Hey- You cant sleep on me" Zayn lifts his cat and stand on his feet "Why don't we sleep in Uncle's room? Until Spidey is gone- sound good?"

Zayn nods to himself and turns around to draw the curtain and his breathe hitched on seeing a reflection on his window glass.

He was sure he forgot how to breathe as he blindly takes two steps back in shock... his cat sliding down his hand as his eyes fall wide  open, his heart drumming loud against his ribcage.

"Li-Liam" he choked out and stubble back on his boots, falling on his hips.

He quickly got hold of himself and stared at the window still finding the same image of his love in his bed.. so without wasting a second more Zayn climbed on his bed, his body shadowing the moonlight on the sleeping boy.

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