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(*Its been boring lately, isn't it? Okay... one last boring chptr... bare with me*)

"This place is awesome" Steve brags "This is my first time here"

"Okay" Tony sighs and stands in front of Steve "do you have any idea how strange everytuing around is"

"Not again" Steve rolls his eyes and touches Tony shoulder only to get it slap away "I know you get touchy when things don't go your way but can't you just be happy for me? I got my sister back"

"Tell me Steve" Tony darts him his infamous glare "was Zayn a burden to you- that you wanna get rid of?"

"What?" Steve frowns "No No No" he shakes his head "you know me better than anyone, Tony- Zayn is like my son and-"

"Steve, I realize that your sister's death-"

"She is alive!! You saw her!!"

"It can be an illusion! You saw Louis' hologram device, right? you know how things can work"

"Tony, please..." Steve pleads, for what? Tony is definitely not sure "She is my sister. I know she is. Trust me on this one!"

"I know you regret not reaching out to your sister when she died. I know she called you and you were blind in your pride, felt neglected and used- you rejected your family.... and when you found out about Zayn and seeked out for him- you saw him dying, drowning in a car and you knew he would've died if it was not for you and its too much- you're scared of losing yout only family... I know... But Steve this is not about how much you want to apologize to your sister or make it up for your mistakes! Its about Zayn!! People out there are trying to kill him and we are anything but safe here. Please..... lets get out of here while-"

"We are not going" Steve responds, his blue eyes reflecting lights in his tears "This is his home"

"Don't do this Steve...." Tony grunts "Many lives revolve around Zayn- Liam Louis Harry Niall....... they are all involved, we cant risk them all"


"Okay" Tony folds his hands defensively "Maybe you're right.... Maybe I dont like it when dont go my way... but tell me Steve, how many times things didn't went my way and they ended good? I told you to join S.H.I.E.LD but you want to be a normal soldier- what happened? Forget the saving you couldn't even make it to their burial. I told Yasir not to make this fucking stupid will! But he did it anyway- what happened? That very fucking night he died!! I told him..." Tony eyes pools him "I told him it will risk Zayn's life..... what happened after his death? They tried to drown Zayn- locked him in a car and pushed it down the lake. You think it doesn't haunt me every time I imagine him drowning and knowing exactly that I could've stopped it only if I was a little better. If, just if something happens... I'll never forgive you, Steve. If my sons got involved- if Louis, Liam are dragged in this... if Zayn is hurt... if Niall and Harry are forced to work... I'll rip every throat that stands in my way to get them- and I'll start off with you"

Steve just gives him a stern look before turning around and walking out of Tony's room.


"Who are you?" Zayn asks, smirking at the woman infront of him.

"You've grown quite rude, you know?! Dont talk to me in that tone" she replies and sits infront of him.

"Oh c'mon! Steve is not here, Tony is not here, tell me who are you? You are definitely not my mumma"

"Yeah? And how are you this sure?"

"When you saw me you called me son...... my mum use to call me sunshine, she never called me son! The very moment I knew you are someone else! So who are you? Disguised in my mum's face mask??"

She barks a laugh and stands to leave "You need some sleep sweetheart"

"Oh I don't think so" Zayn reached his hand back and dragged a sword, pointing it on her "c'mon- I've never been a patient one and I've been rejected today so dont test me- I can actually kill today"

"Or maybe you'll be killed today" she raises her brow, making Zayn crack a smile.

"Maybe" Zayn agrees "but not before I kill you for using my mother's face to manipulate Steve- you used his weakness..... you shouldn't have done that, lady"

She rolls her eyes and turns to leave but stops on her step when she felt a shiver of cold metal on her neck.

"Who are you?" Zayn asks again, but this time the woman turned and peeled the face mask from her ear, revealing a very face, a face that had Zayn pressing his memory "Do I know you?" He asks, studying the blue eyes, red smirk.

"I'm your aunt, Honey, my name's Celine Rodger"

"Aunt" just as Zayn drops his sword down, a punch comes to his face making him fall back and even before he can steady himself, a shock trigger was stoved in his stomach making him scream in pain.

"Ssshhhh sunshine" she hushes, her voice smug "now sleep tight..... you'll be with your friends when you wake up"

Zayn's vision gets dizzy, his eyelids getting heavy despite his will and finally Zayn fell unconscious, his sword dropping from his hand.


Steve roams around, trying to get some fresh since after hearing Tony his heart was racing to come out of his chest- he felt guilty for some reason but ofcourse he was not going to admit it. In his own world he didnt realize where he was going until he found himself completely lost. He looked around, frowning to himself on not finding any guard around.

He curiously wandered around until he found a room, he slowly peeked only to get his mind blown.

"Get the kids in Building 2- no no dont kill them! It too soon for them to die!! Yeah" she chuckled and loads her gun, her hand reaching to rotate the face mask in her finger "I don't care!! Honestly he is dumb!! Just take care of the kids and I want them on screen.... do it" she tells the person on phone, tapping few keys on her keyboard and a projection appeared, dropping Steve's stomach in his guts.

"Louis" he hisses and takes a step, his words choking air out of him "Oh my God!" Tears rolls down his eyes. He was about to slam the door open and strangle the woman who happens to be his younger sister, but his priority comes in his way and he fists his balls right and with blazing rage in his eyes tries to find his way out, pretty prepared to kill people who stops his path.

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