chapter 2: needing you

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Hiccup POV

After me and toothless land I see Elsa run but I can't leave our guests alone, so I stay put trying to fight the edge to run to her. So are you guys hungry cause I sure am I say, why don't we head to the great hall for some lunch I say. Ya sure they both say, and we walk to the great hall. when there both eating I manage to slip out and run to Elsa's house. it's empty except for the open door upstairs, I go up the stairs and see Elsa sleeping. I go near her bed and kiss her forehead. she starts to wake up and sees me, she automatically  hugs me, I don't hesitate to hug her back. I loved her so much I never wanted to let go, I love you she whispers in my ear. I love you too I whisper back. she smiles and I kiss her. whoa careful I say helping her up off her bed, Hiccup I'm fine but sometimes I'm light headed and can't walk she says. I know but I like helping you I say, she laughs and we walk down stairs and outside of the house.

Elsa POV

Sometimes I hate when Hiccup treats me like a baby who can't walk, but I forgive him anyway, when we walk out of the house I remember the note, Hiccup its fine I'd like to stay here in my house I stutter, okay but be careful and see you tonight. I smile and wave as he leaves, I come back inside and into my room isolated. I missed being alone with Hiccup, but we've been so busy we can't so we meet at midnight every night to hang out. I sit on the window sill staring out at the horizon. then I hear a noise and look back toothless is in the front of the door with a rose in his mouth. I laugh but stop when my side starts to hurt. I grab the rose and sniff it. its smell lovely. I pat toothless's head and give him a fish in return for the rose. then the house starts to collapse.

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