chapter 6: I have to

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Hiccup POV

Elsa I have to tell you something I say. I can see the perplexed look on her face. you know the two men who talked to us yesterday I say hesitantly, ya she replies. well they want to know if you wanna go back with them to Brisingr Island. I can see the sadness in her eyes. you don't have to I say as I hold her cold hands. I know she replies but.......... but what I ask. I don't wanna leave you she says. I take her hand and hold it up against my chest, I'll always be with you in your heart, I say with a smile. she gives me a small smile. I hug her to comfort her, I don't want her to feel more worse than she already does. tears are rising up on her face, I wrap my arms around her. never wanting to let go, until she says, I'll go.

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