chapter 7: my heart will always be yours

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Elsa POV

I'll go I say hesitantly, he looks at me. why he asks, I can't let those people suffer I say. I hold his hand, holding it tightly. I know he doesn't want me to go but those people have no one to take care of them. I kiss Hiccup this time more passionately, I lay on the bed now still kissing him. After a few minutes we both pull back for some air. I love you more than anything I say, me too he says.

Hiccup POV

After kissing Elsa we take a breath, I can't help but not let her go. but its her decision not mine I can't tell her where she can or can't go. when are you leaving I ask, I don't know I'll have to ask them she replies. okay I say.

Suddenly Toothless barges in, hey bud I say. he walks over to Elsa and licks her face. she's still drenched in tears, she laughs and pats his head. you wanna go for a flight I ask, yes she exclaims. so your not stuffed in here all day. she smiles and we head outside.

Elsa POV

We head outside, Hiccup saddles up toothless. And helps me on.

were in the clouds, I can feel the wind in my hair. when we get near the water I touch it, getting my fingertips wet.

I can see toothless is also enjoying the flight.

when we land Hiccup helps me down. I almost trip but Hiccup catches me in his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck, he picks me up and carries me to his room. There's a knock at the door, Hiccup goes and checks who it is. when he comes up the two men are with him.

I assume you have our answer asks one of the men, yes says Hiccup gesturing towards me. I'll go I stutter. well then we leave tommorow at dawn says the other man. okay I say I'll be ready tommorow at dawn. well then see you tommorow your highness they both say and leave the room.

I stare at the floor, what did i do I tell myself. I'm not queen or princess material. I feel Hiccup's arm come over my shoulder comforting me.

I remember his words," I'll always be with you in your heart". and my heart will always be yours I say looking into his eyes. mine too he says.

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