chapter 5: secret

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Hiccup POV

Everything is going wrong and Elsa is worried. I lay with her in my bed until we she falls asleep. My father comes up stairs and directs me to the door. I walk outside and close the door behind me, Hello sir I hear someone say. I look in front of me and the same two men are standing in front of me. what do you want I snap at them. sorry to disturb you but we still need an answer says one of the men. for what I ask, well the queen should come home. I don't know its not my decision its hers I say in a low voice. fine we await our answer in the morning says the other man. well then so be it I say, and close the doors behind me. I climb into bed and wrap my arms around Elsa and fall asleep.

Elsa POV

I feels good being in Hiccups arms once again, I drift off to sleep. Dreaming of me and Hiccup having a peaceful picnic by the beach. I try and push the thoughts of being Oden's long lost daughter. me ruling over a kingdom I could never do that, and with these powers I could easily hurt someone even Hiccup.


when I wake up I'm still in Hiccup's arms feeling his warmth beside me. I pull the covers up its cold. wait its cold, I jump out of bed and touch my neck wait where's the necklace I search everywhere until I finally find it under the bed, hidden underneath books. I climb back in bed, Hiccup had  awoken, he wraps the blanket and his arms around me. for once I actually feel relieved, after a few minutes we get up and both get dressed. he knows I don't wanna be kept in a house for more than a day. he helps me out of the house, one arm around my shoulder the other in my hand. we walk outside until Merida and Angus come along. I can see an angry look in Merida's eyes. ouch I say still clutching Hiccup's hand.

are you okay he asks, ya just that it hurts more than it should. Hiccup can we take a flight on toothless asks Heather in an annoyed tone. I stare into Hiccup's eyes knowing he understands me, he walks me back to his house and sets me on the bed. leaving me alone. he closes the door behind him walking out the door with Merida  and Angus.

Hiccup POV

what is her problem I thought, I go and get toothless from the cove. when I look at the water I remember the first time I met Elsa.

*Flashback memory*

She was sitting on a rock her hair in a braid down her back, I walked up to her and touched her shoulder. I knew I startled her the way she looked at me. she had run away from me. I remembered that small fragile girl, everyday at school I'd talk to her but she'd always be afraid to talk. until one day she spoke up, we became best friends after that.

*Flashback over*

Hiccup, Hiccup yells Merida shaking me frantically. what I ask rubbing my head. were gonna go flying she says annoyed at me because I ignored her. oh yeah I say, I put on toothless saddle and get on, I help Merida on. Angus goes hunting in the woods.

we fly high above the clouds, I pat toothless's head. when were barely touching the water, Merida dives in, I don't stop her she just keeps swimming until she pulls me in. letting Toothless fall with me. she's splashing me playfully, I try and pretend I'm having fun when I'm really not. until I submerge myself deep into the water, I can see her following me until toothless stops her in her tracks. when I finally get back to the surface. I get back on toothless and help Merida back up. this time she holds on very tightly. she squeezes me. it doesn't feel like when Elsa and me are flying, Elsa holds on gently. Heather holds on tight. I remember the two men I haven't told Elsa. faster bud I whisper to toothless, and we go faster.

when we land Merida is still following me so I head to the great hall to fetch some food for me and Elsa. when Merida is looking away I head back to my house.

Elsa POV

I sit on the widow sill, staring out at the sunset. everything is so peaceful and quiet. I want to get out be free, run around, fly on toothless with Hiccup. but I can't because of my stupid condition.

After a few minutes, toothless enters with Hiccup right behind him carrying a bowl of chicken. Hiccup comes over to me and hugs me, I love  you he whispers. I love you too I say.

I brought some chicken he says, yum I'm starving I say. after we eat up  I lay on Hiccup's shoulder. Elsa I have something to tell you says Hiccup.

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