pchapter 3: help me

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Elsa POV

The house is shaking, toothless is panicking. I try and calm him down but then a piece of large wood falls on me. toothless helps me out, I feel pain all around my body, but mostly on my side. when I look at it my whole side is covered in blood. I feel so weak I can't walk and I fall.

Hiccup POV

Ever since that girl came she's been following me everywhere I go, and I don't like it. suddenly I hear screams, and look in the direction of where I heard them, I can see smoke and a house caving in. I realize that's Elsa's house and run. almost every villager is surrounding the area just staring I make my way through to the front. The house each piece falling, Elsa I yell. no response. suddenly a plasma blast sends a door flying out of the house, toothless jumps out, Elsa unconscious on his back. I quickly run to her, seeing if there was any damage. I see Elsa's hand over her wound, I see everything drenched in blood. No this can't be happening, I tell myself. I check her pulse to make sure she's still alive. She's alive I take a sigh of relief. she's okay but we need to help her. I get on toothless and hold Elsa in my arms. we fly to my house, where our hometown healer gothi is there to help. son what happened my dad says rushing in to the house. Her house collapsed, how he asks, I don't know but it seems suspicious I say. well what ever the cause we have to keep watch to make sure this doesn't happen again he replies. yes dad I will. he takes a seat, while I pace around the room.

calm down son, I'm sure she's gonna be okay he says. what if that isn't true I snap at him. just stay calm he says. fine I say. when gothi finally comes down out of my room, she assures me and my father she's fine, but I don't believe it. I walk up the steps to my room, Elsa is laying unconscious on my bed. I can't stop wondering about what would've caused the house to collapse. I see her hands are bandaged and so is her wound. I guess we can't meet up to night. then she starts to wake up.

Elsa POV

I open my eyes, I'm not in my house but in Hiccup's room. I try and get up, but can't because of my wound. I immediately hug him. he hugs me back but more gently not to hurt me. your okay now he whispers into my ear. where's toothless I ask, he's fine he saved you he replies. wait what about the necklace you gave me, It helps me sleep. how he asks, I get nightmares ever since all this happened I reply. don't worry I got it he says, putting it around my neck.

we can't meet up tonight, I say. I know he says. you do know you'll have to stay in bed for a few days he says, no I can't I scream. why not he asks concerned. It started right before my mother died, she had tucked me in for bed, then that's when it all started. the flames everywhere. I remember myself struggling to get free from the wood covered floor. my father and me had made it out alive but my mother hadn't I say. I can feel tears rising up. he comforts me. its okay he says. nothing is gonna hurt you he says. then two men come up the stairs.

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