chapter 25: why him

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Hiccup pov

i see Elsa walk up to the front of the cave, looking outside to make sure tommy is okay. i know she showed me how much she loves me and i did the same. i walk up to her and wrap my arms around her.

i love you i whisper. i love you too she whispers back. we should head back to Berk we'll be safe there. i say. ya she says clutching the blanket around herself. after me and her are done changing we call tommy inside.

hey tommy i say, how would you like to visit the town where me and Elsa grew up. he jumps up with glee its good to see him happy. i saddle up toothless help everyone onboard and we fly off to Berk.


Elsa pov

when we land i see massive destruction everything is broken or burned. where's my father says Hiccup. we have to find him i say. ya he replies. tommy you stay here while me, Hiccup and toothless go look for someone okay. okay he amswers. and we walk around. looking at the broken down buildings that were once our homes. i see Hiccups house it's been untouched. when i see a paper on the door. i take it it reads:

shouldn't have left tommy alone.

suddenly fear shoots.through me. tommy i yell come to Hiccup qnd me no response. suddenly we hear screams. we run back to where tommy was. he has an arrow through his chest. yommy i yell. Elsa he saus weakly. don't move were gonna help you i say. nk its too late for em that spear was poison he says. no tommy were gonna help you your gonna be fine tears are rushing down my cheeks. Hiccup is by my side, he grabs Hiccup's hand and mine and puts them together. you two were like my parents i love you both and you love each other i know your love will last a life time he says before he dies. no i yell tears are rushing down my cheeks i can see tears in Hiccup's eyes. he's in a better place now says Hiccup while holding me. how could Jack do something like this. he has no heart at all i say. he doesn't know love he only knows ambition says Hiccup. we bury tommy and make a promise at his grave. we will avenge his death and never forget the boy who showed us the way to happiness. i can't contain myself from crying i cry and cry.

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