chapter 8: good bye

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Hiccup POV

I'm surprised by her comment, but love it any way. its getting dark I say we better get some sleep. ya she says. we both lie on the bed, I wrap my arms around her drifting off to sleep.

I dream of me and her, but there's someone in the distance I can't make out. I leave it alone. were running up and down the beach. until we dive into the water.


Elsa POV

I dream of me showing my ice powers to everyone in the kingdom. until I almost hit a man, everyone is chasing after me. I try and run away but can't then they finally catch me put me in a cage and kill me.

I wake up screaming, Hiccup is trying to calm me down. its okay it was just a nightmare he says. I am breathing heavily now, wait I have to go I say jumping out of bed. I pack some things and get ready to go to Brisingr Island.

Hiccup is behind me, I know he doesn't want me to leave. and I don't either, but I have to for those people.

were all ready to go. on the inside I'm afraid, and I can't spend one night with out Hiccup. I'll just have to get through it.

As I walk up to the ship, someone tugs on me. I look back Hiccup and toothless are both looking at me. I pat toothless's head. I kiss and hug Hiccup good bye.

as I board the ship, everyone is waving good bye. I hold in the tears and just wave. until everyone disappears into tiny specs.

Hiccup POV

Elsa had woken up screaming from a bad dream, and now is the time to say good bye. she kisses and hugs me good bye.

as she disappears, my heart is breaking. toothless nudges me, no bud I say she's gone.

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