chapter 20: at war

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Elsa pov

the pain is rushing up inside me. i fall on the ground, Elsa Hiccup yells i can see guards pulling him way from me. i stab myself once more, Hiccup is free and runs to my side. Hiccup tell tommy to be brave. no Elsa please don't go. before i know it everything goes black.

Hiccup pov

i'm lying next to her, yes she's still alive. i put my forehead on hers. please don't go i say in tears. her father looks at me with wide eyes. suddenly tommy runs to me, Hiccup what happened to her, please help her he pleads. don't worry tommy we will. help me i say to her father, you caused this i say in anger. she did this for the both of us she didn't want us to fight. he looks at me straight in the eyes. get the medics he orders and they carry her to her room.

i'm still on the ground, who told you that. i ask him. Jack did he says. Jack come out and face me like a man i yell. he comes out with someone behind him i see its Merida.

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