chapter 21: fighting against you

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Elsa pov

when i awake i'm in my room. what did they do to Hiccup. tears are already on my face. then i feel something move beside me. i see what it is. it's tommy. tommy i say shaking him gently. he wakes up startled. yout awake he says and hugs me. where's Hiccup i say.

he frowns then speaks. he's fighting. what i say. i try and get up but feel pain. i look at my side bandaged. Tommmy promise me something, no matter what you here or see you'll stay here. he nods. i get up and ignore the pain.  i love you i say to tommy and kiss his head. i grab some supplies and leave the room. i close the doors behind me.

the first thing i need is a weapon, i remeber one of the guards telling the other where to get weapon. i take the paths i remebered he had told me. i see the doors and open them. every wall and table covered with weapons. i see the bows and arrows. i grab seven sheaths full of arrows and two bows and a shield.

i head out of the room and out to the battle field.

Hiccup pov

i'm fighting against a whole army, if Elsa dies i'll die in her honor. toothless shoots a plasma blast at four men and they all fall to the ground. i use my cross bow and shoot arrows. were in the middle of a war.

i can't keep this up much longer. but i keep fighting for her.

Elsa pov

i see Hiccup fighting against all odds to save himself and toothless. i go into the woods to make a plan. i shoot an ice blast and attract their attention maybe. ugh i don't know i'll just improvise.

i am at the border between the woods and the war. i see someone familiar. i see its tommy, he's right infront of my dad. he's about to slap tommy. NO i yell. and run toward him. i push tommy behind me and send and ice blast towards my father. tommy go please you'll be safer. no Elsa he stutters. please i say looking into his eyes. remeber i love you i say. he higs me and runs off. i stand tall now, feeling braver than ever i send an icce blast towards the men running towards me. Elsa i hear someone yell, i look back its Hiccup he has Tommy with him. go i yell i'll hold them off. no Elsa please. just go i yell. and turn my attention back to the enemy. i grab the bow and swing the first sheath of arrows over my shoulder. i shoot arrows everywhere. Esla stop i hear my father yell. no you can hurt me do anything to me but not the people i love, i pause your not my father.

i shoot an arrow up at the sky and send an ice blast with it. theres a sudden quake and i stand my ground. i look back Hiccup is gone. al least the twl things i love the most are safe. i collapse and close my eyes.

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