chapter 16: give it a shot

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Elsa pov

when i wake up i see tommy still sleeping in my bed. i get up qnd get dressed, i walk over to tommy and shake him gently. wake up i say sweetly, his eyes start to flicker open. i smile good morning i say. hi he says. whay happened last night after i went to bed he asks. um it was just a little fight my boyfriend and a friend had. oh okay can we go eat he says. of course i say, i help him gey changed and we head to the dining hall.

when we enter Jack and Hiccup are fighting over a piece of bread. ahem i say, still holding tommy's hand. they look at me then ay tommy they stop fighting and eat their food quietly.

did you know she can sing blurts out tommy. i  blush a little but forget about it. really i can sing too says jack. i already knew that she sang me a song one time says Hiccup i shoy both of them dirty looks and go back to eating.

so Jack you will go first today okay i say okay he says happily.

Hiccup pov

she's amazing, i think to myself but when she says today she'll start to give it a shot with Jack i hide my anger. so tommy how old are you i ask. i'm five my mom abandoned me when i was a baby.

i am astonished by his answer, well then you wanna meet a friend of mine i say, he happily agrees and i yell for toothless, toothless comes barging in through the doors and runs to tommy.

tommy is happy getting his face licked by toothless. you like him i ask. ya he says happily. tooess sit i say, here i say handing a fish to tommy give him this. he throws the fish up in the air and toothless catches it in his mouth. tommy is having such a good yime i haven't talked to Elsa. hey Elsa can i talk to hou in private i say.

ya sure she says and we walk out of the room. when were alone i kiss her knowing she would of done the same. i missed you i say, so did i she says.

Elsa if you want i can take care of tommy for you while your off with Jack. oh Hiccup of course and don't be jealous i love you i'm only doing this so i can get him off my back she replies. we laugh and hear crying coming from the dining room.

Jack pov

After Elsa and Hiccup leave i go to tommy. so tommy aren't you afraid the dragon will hurt you i say no he won't he says how do you know i say now shaking him frantically. how do you know i yell. tommy is crying now suddenly Elsa and Hiccup burst in.

Elsa pov

what are you doing i ask him, while running to tommy. are you okay tommy i ask. no the man says the dragon is gonna hurt me says tommy. then toothless licks tommy's face making him feel better. your okay i say. i shoot a dirty look at Jack and send tommy to the garden.

what did you do i ask Jack. i was just asking him if he knew that the dragon would hurt him. your an idiot i yell at him. yelling at an innocent child. i snap at him

can we go now says Jack, fine but never ever go near tommy. fine what ever he says and we walk out. wait Hiccup take care of tommy i yell. i will he yells back..

Hiccup pov

i walk outside to the garden, hi tommy i say , hi mr. he replies. my name is Hiccup i say. okay Hiccup. what did you do with Elsa when you left the room he asks me.

i am surprised by his question but answer it anyway. i kissed her i say. he looks at me with a smile. you love her he asks while playing with dirt. ya more than anything i say. Hiccup if you love her so much why don't you tell her he says. she knows she loves me i say. thats good or else she'd be married to that mean guy. i laugh and call for toothless.

you wanna know a secret i ask him. ya sure he says. i train and ride dragons. he looks at me a smile plastered on his face. i saddle up toothless and we fly.

tommy is having fun and so is toothless. when we land he falls asleep in my arms.

Elsa pov

we go to a near by cliff and sit there in silence for a few minutes until he breaks the silence.

then he leans in for a kiss but i stop him by puttong my finger on his lips. what he says, i feel rushed. really i know you loce me he says. what you think i do when really your suppose to be trying to win me over i snap at him.

hthen he leans in again for a kiss,  i try and pull back but his lips meet mine, next thing i know he's on top of me get off i yell. stop lying i know you love me he says. ugh, i mumble and punch him off.

ow what was that for he snaps. for everything i say and run back to the castle. leaving him with a bloody nose.

Jack pov

she punches me and runs. i know you love me i whisper to myself.

Hiccup pov

i pat toothless's head and lean against him. tommy is so innocent i can tell why Elsa treats him the way she does.

Elsa pov

i run as fast as i can until i trip over a tree root and fall. i get back up ignoring the pain in my side.

when i see Hiccup i'm releived and walk towards him. he looks up and sees me. my hair is all messed up and my hands are bleeding. i can see tommy asleep in his arms.

are you okay he asks. kind of i say. here come closer he says. i do as he asks and come closer, he kisses me and i feel better but the pain in my.side is unbearable. i moan at the pain and fall on the ground holding on to my side.

Elsa both tommy and Hiccup yell coming to my side. Hiccup carries me inside with tommy holding my hand. i can tell he's afraid his hand is shaking. Hiccup gently sets me down on the bed and i fall in a deep sleep.

Hiccup pov

i vlean her wound, tommy i know he cares she's like a mother to him. thank you tommy i say. he quickly runs towards me and hugs me. i hug him back knowing he's afraid. and we both fall asleep next to Elsa.

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