chapter 18: my dad

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Hiccup pov

i look at her with wide eyes your dad is coming here. ya he's coming back and i'm afraid of what he'll think of me. don't worry i think he'll like you the way you are like i do. i can see her smiling i kiss her on the cheek and let we walk to her room and chat for a while.

Elsa pov

i can see its getting late. i kiss Hiccup this time its longer and tommy is asleep so he doesn't notice. then he's on top of me i'm scared of what might happen next.

suddenly the lady comes in and sees me and Hiccup. oh get off of her she yells, as she grabs Hiccupand pushes him out the door. i love you i whisper. your highness we've got to get you ready she says as she pulls out tons of clothes from the closet.

she helps me untangle my hair and and choose a dress. out of all of them i choose one. its a gown, i feel like a princess, its blue with diamonds imbeded in it. a flower in my hair, my hair is in a braid.

time to go says the lady. i put on my shoes and walk outside.

Hiccup pov

where is she i ask myself, i am dressed in a nice suit. when i hear the trumpets blare and i look at what other people are looking at.

Elsa pov

i can hear the trumpets announcing my arrival. i present to you Elsa Brisingr of Brisingr Island i hear a man yell. i walk down the stairs everyone's eyes are wide open i can see Hiccup he looks amazing. everyone's complimenting me. as i walk to Hiccup i can see him smiling, i blush a little. when i get to Hiccup he kisses me i don't hesitate to kiss him too.

i love you he whispers, i love you too i whisper. you wanna dance he asks me, ya i say with a smile.

we walk to the middle of the dance floor. i put one arm om his shoulder the other in my hand. he puts his other hand around my waist. everytime he spun me my gown would float around. i loved being with him it was the best thing ever.

suddenly the sound of trumpets start again, my dad i say.  Hiccup pulls me to the front with him.

a feel someone's fingers intertwine with mine i look down Hiccup's holding my hand. Hiccup are you nervous of meeting my dad i whisper to him, ya he whispers back. don't worry i am too i say. he looks at me and pushes me against him, i put my hands on his chest, his arms are wrapped around me.

presenting the father of Elsa Brisingr Oden, yells a man.

hello my friends i hear someone yell. when i see its my father. Elsa i want to see you he says. everyone makes a path for me. i'm still holding on to Hiccup. he nods and i let go of him and walk towards my dad. When i'm face to face with him he hugs me.

you look just like your mother he says. thank you i say hugging him back. he stands up who is that boy you were with. he asks me. i look back Hiccup gives me a nod of approval. i gulp, my boyfriend.

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