chapter 10: coronation

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Elsa POV

when I wake up the same lady from yesterday is there. good morning I say politely, good morning your highness says the lady. I'm sick of being called your highness, just call me Elsa I say with a smile. I like that name she says cheerfully.

you can choose any dress you'd like she says happily pointing to the closet full of them. thank you I say as she leaves the room. I use my powers to create a dress, as soft as silk. conceal don't feel put on a show make one wrong move and everyone will know I remind myself.

I open the doors of my room, open the gates I say. yes your highness. chin up smile on says the same lady. I follow her advice and do what she says. I enter the room where my coronation will begin, I scan the room for Hiccup, but he is not there. my hair is in its normal side braid.

I stand in front of the man who will help me become queen. I bow my head so he can put on my crown, I hold the items I am supposed to and hold it all in. until I don't hesitate to put them back. queen Elsa of Brisingr Island the man blurts out.

I stand up straight, chin up, smile on. next is the party, I feel uncomfortable  talking to complete strangers. but do it anyway, hello says a voice behind me, I turn around to find a boy about my age is standing in front of me. hello my name is jack of candor Island. hello I say shaking his hand.

Hiccup POV

when I wake up toothless is nudging me I can see something in his mouth but can't make it out, what do you have in your mouth I blurt out. he drops it neatly on my lap, useless reptile I mutter. he slaps me with his tail.

I see its a paper. I open it while rubbing my cheek, it reads:

you are invited to the coronation of Elsa Brisingr, ruler of Brisingr island.


                                                                               The Elders

when I see Elsa's name I quickly get up out of bed, saddle up toothless and fly out to Brisingr Island.

Jack POV

when I first see her she's beautiful, the most prettiest girl in all the land. as she starts to walk away, I blurt out WAIT!!! she looks at me with wide eyes. I mean would you like to dance, I can see fear in her eyes but she accepts anyway.

Elsa POV

The boy from Candor Island asks me to dance, I accept and take his hand. one hand around my waist the other in my hand, he's broad, tall, and strong. but I only have eyes for Hiccup. Hiccup where is he, has he already left me I think. I can feel my grip tightening as I feel pain in my side. I cry in pain but only jack hears it. are you okay my queen he asks a concerned look on his face.

yes I say just a bit hurt. here let me help you he says, no I snap I can do it myself. suddenly someone punches him. Its hiccup, jack punches him back and knocks Hiccup off his balance. no I yell going in between them, two men are grabbing each jack and Hiccup.

I'm sorry my queen says jack. sorry Elsa says Hiccup. I cry in pain once more, a gasp spreads through out the room. now I'm on my knees. both Hiccup and jack are struggling to get free to help me.

the servants help me up and take me to my room.

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