Chapter 21: It Changes Everybody

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Taylor Lautner Fan Fiction

Book 1: Not So Average Love Story of an Average Girl

Book 2: Not So Average Promise of an Average Girl 

sorry it took so long. was going to update yesterday but couldn't think of anything. I thought of a great idea today tho so here it is! enjoy! And please vote and comment!!! :D

Chapter 21: It Changes Everybody

"Do you know how crazy you sound right now?"

"I'm crazy?! How am I crazy?! You're the crazy one here!"

"Lily why are you yelling!"

"Why am I yelling, why are you calling me crazy?!"

"Come on, Taylor used to call you crazy all the time! Why is it so different when it's me saying!" Abby yelled.

"Because that was Taylor. When Taylor and I first met, we aggrivated each other. We fought and drove each other crazy. That's just who we are, but that's not what we've ever done! Why am I so crazy now? Because I'm a singer? A model? Because you don't like the choice I've made for my life? What's wrong?! Why can't you tell me?!!"

"Because I'm jealous okay!" she started confessing, "do you know how I felt when I first came here? You have this glamorous life that I don't seem to fit into. You go to photoshoots, spend more money in a day than I've spent in a year, and stay up all night recording at a studio. It doesn't seem real. You live in this world where you get to do anything you want, and here I am just smooching everything off of you because I don't have anywhere else to go. Do you know what happened when my parents found out I was dropping out? They kicked me out!! Said I couldn't stay there. That I had to go back to school or get a job. Lily I don't know where I belong, but it sure doesn't seem like it's here."

"Abby, my life isn't a fairytale. Sure it seems like I get to do everything I want all the time, but it's not all it seems like. You just happen to catch us at a good time. Things aren't always as amazing as it sounds. Taylor and I fight on a regular basis about the stupidest things and when we're at the studio, we're always fighting about our music and trying to write the songs. And the photoshoot may seem like they're all fun, but it requires a constant need to eat right and exercise so I look fit for the clothes I'll be wearing. Your parents only kicked you out because that's all they know. You go to school and get a job. That's what people in Michigan do, and sometimes they go to college and sometimes they go straight into the work force. They don't know anything else Abs, they didn't know what to do. You haven't even been here that long, how do you know you don't belong here? I thought we've been having fun."

"Of course you would think that," she said, "but were you paying attention at all? You bought me clothes, dragged me around with you everywhere, and I didn't even fit in with your other celebrity friends."

"Come on they liked you. They thought you were really nice. Maybe the only reason things don't seem to be working out is because you don't want it to. Do you really think that I immediately felt comfortable here the first time I came? No. I was freaked out. It took time for me to get so comfortable. You have only been here a week or two, you can't expect to immediately fit in or feel comfortable here without any problems. Just do what you love to do or find a job. Maybe you'll find a job here that suits you. Just don't blame me for you not fitting in because it's not my fault. You knew when you called me that I'd be busy. I have an album coming out, photo-shoots, and interviews to do along with Taylor filming a movie. You'll always be welcome here, but you can't expect me to cancel all of my plans because you wanted to visit for a few weeks or months or whatever it is."

I knew she wasn't going to respond to that so I walked out of her room and down the stairs to where Taylor was sitting in the living room. I sat down next to him as he watched TV and laid my head on his shoulder.

"It didn't go well," he said more as a statement than a question.

"You heard?"

"Most of it, yeah," he replied.

"Do you think I was right to say all that stuff or should I have just left it alone?" I asked him.

"No you did the right thing." He brought his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. "She needs to understand," he continued, "that this life isn't meant for everyone. Maybe she expected to show up and have things just click but that's not how it works. She's never going to find the right place without working hard to get there. You had no idea that she felt like that. You have just been living your life. Like you said, she knew when she called you that you would be busy. I would have said the same thing."



"Good," I said, "I just don't want her to be mad at me forever. She's the only friend I have from back home besides my family. I would hate for her to be so upset that she returns home and tells everybody that I've let Hollywood get to my head or something."

"No," he chuckled, "it hasn't gotten to your head. You have changed though."

"I have?" I questioned, "But-"

"Not in a bad way," he interrupted, "Hollywood changes everybody to an extent. I mean you don't have as much privacy so you have adjust to that and you have to get used to talking about yourself in interviews and always having your picture taken. It changes everybody in a way, but some people change in a bad way. They become too selfish and self-centered."

"How have I changed?"

"Lil, in Michigan you would have never worn any clothes that were out of your comfort zone. You got nervous in front of really large crowds and refused to show emotion so people wouldn't judge you. Now look at you. You wear all kinds of clothes, sing in front of crowds all the time, and you've learned not to let what other people say bother you. You've changed in a good way. Some people are just uncomfortable with that because they liked who you used to be. They're just not used to this Lily."

"Are you?"

"Lily, I will love you no matter what. I loved you then and I love you now. That won't change."

"Good," I smiled, "why are you home anyway?"

"They only needed me this morning. The rest of the day was shooting scenes that I'm not in."

"So you have the rest of the day off?"

"That I do," he smiled, "you?"

"Me too," I smiled, "all songs are written and picked out for the album, and I don't have another Seventeen photoshoot until tomorrow."

"We should do something."

"Like what?" I asked.

"I don't know yet," he said.

"As long as we don't leave the house," I suggested, "I just want to hang around here today."

"How about we go swimming then?"

"Sounds good."

"Okay, let's go."



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