Cheering her up

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Finn's p.o.v
I just finished work and I tried to call Rachel but she didn't answer which is really weird cause she always answers. So I drive home a little faster than I usually do cause I can't shake this feeling that something's wrong. I get to the apartment building and get to the door of our apartment and suddenly hear loud sobs. So I run in and see Rachel laying on the couch in a little ball crying her eyes out. I rush over to her to see what's wrong.

"Oh my goodness hunny. What happened? " I say sitting on the couch wrapping my arms around her and rubbing her hair (like I always do it calms her down) as she cry's into my chest.

After about five minutes of crying she stops.

"So are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" I ask calmly.

She lifts her head up from my chest and looks at me with her tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes and it immediately makes my heart break even more.

"My mom... she was... here..."she said in between her crying.

" Your mom? What? How did she find you?" I said shocked.

She told me the whole story. She looked so sad and upset it just broke me. I felt so bad for her.

"Oh Rach .... I'm so sorry..." I said pulling her into another hug.

"How about we go to our room and eat popcorn and watch a movie?" I suggest

Watching a movie and eating snacks is one of Rachel's favorite things (besides performing) it always helps her calm down or cheer up.

She weakly smiles "That sounds perfect."

I smile and get up off the couch, reach my hand out, she grabs it ,we get popcorn , and head upstairs. We get upstairs I insert the movie and lay down watching funny girl Rachel's absolute favorite movie. After that we laid down just looking at each other.

"I love you Rach." I said while wrapping my arms around my beautiful girlfriend.

"I love you more." She said

"Not possible." I said and she smiled while I kissed her lips and then we fell asleep for the night.

~ Awww Finn is just the best boyfriend❤️

~ I hope you guys are enjoying the story as much as I enjoy writing it!!💕

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