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Finn's p.o.v
The service just ended and Me and Rachel are just saying our goodbyes to her family and friends. But I can tell Rachel just wants to leave so I walk over to her ,grab her hand ,say goodbye to the person she was talking to , head to car, and drive back to her dads house. I know what I did was a little rude but I can tell she's trying so hard to not brake down crying. I feel so bad for her. I reach my hand over to her with my other hand still on the steering wheel and just start rubbing her hand while she grips tightly back.

After about ten minutes we finally get back to Rachel's old house. I help her out of the car and walk up to the door. Right when we get in Rachel takes her shoes off quickly ,sets them by the door, and runs upstairs. I sigh knowing she just needed some alone time even though I really just wanted to run after her. So I decide to just start making dinner. Ten minutes later I was almost done making salads for me and Rachel when I hear glass break I froze and then hear more glass break. My heart dropped and immediately sprinted upstairs to see what happened. I got to the door that lead to me and Rachel's room for the next few days and opened it almost scared to see what's going on and when I see my heart drops even more.

~ thank you all so much for 200 reads!!!!❤️

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