A "mistake"

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{4 days}
Finns p.o.v.
I was walking out of work getting ready to go home to Rachel when one of my coworkers runs up to me.

"Hey man. Congrats on the engagement." He says patting my shoulder.

"Thanks dude." I say with a side smile.

"So me and a couple of the guys are hitting up the bar tonight, and were wondering if you wanted to join us." He says then rests his arm on my shoulder with a smirk on his face as I'm still walking to my car.

"Um sure. I just need to call Rachel first but it should be fine."

"Ok great! See ya later." He said then left.

I get in my car and call Rachel.

"Hey babe!" I hear Rachel say in the cutest voice.

"Hey hun!" I say happily.

"What's up?" She asks.

"Were you planning on doing anything tonight?" I ask her.

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"Well a couple of the boys are going out to the bar tonight and they were wondering if I wanted to come."

"Oh um.. yeah sure.." She says sounding a little concerned.

"Ok thank you. I'll see you tonight!" I reply.

"Just be careful ok?" She says.

"Yep I promise. Bye babe!" I say .

"I love you."

I smile. " I love you too hun." I say then hang up.

Rachel's p.o.v.
I just got off the phone with Finn and I'm a little a worried about him going to the bar with his friends but I'm just gonna trust him. I mean I know he would never do anything intentionally. Its just being the worry wart I get nervous. So to get my mind off of it I'm just gonna have a relaxing night to myself. I'm gonna make tons of food ( and eat all of it), paint my nails, and watch Bravo. Yep sounds like the perfect night. Nothing can ruin this.

Finn's p.o.v.
I get to the bar and already see my friends drunk. I think I made a mistake coming here. I was about to go home when one of my friends calls me.

"Hey Finn!!! Come over here!!!" He yells drunk.

I cautiously walk over to them.

"Hey guys." I say nervous but trying not to show it.

"Here want a beer?" He asks me holding up a beer. I mean it's just a beer what can it hurt?

"Uh sure. Thanks."

{1 hour later}
Me and my friends were completely drunk and on the dance floor dancing when this blondie comes up to me.

"Hey hottie. Want me to give you a night to remember?" She says gliding her finger down my chest.

"Sure baby lets go!!" I say then we run to the nearest hotel.

We get there and immediately start making out. Things started to get really heated super fast. But I refused to take pants off unlike this girl who I don't even know her name.

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