She needs help!!!

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Quinn's p.o.v.
I was walking out of my house to go get Rachel when I see her door is open. That's weird they never leave their door open. I walk over cautiously then I hear someone fall I quickly rush over to her house and when I walk in I see Rachel laying on the floor half unconscious.

"Rachel!!!!" I scream and run over to her. I kneel down next to her and check her pulse.

"The... baby...." she faintly says then closes her eyes.

"It's gonna be ok I promise." I say starting to cry. I reach up to the counter and grab my phone.

"Hello Finn Hudson speaking."

"Finn it's Q-Quinn.... you... have to.. come.... home... it's... R-Rachel... she unconscious... s-she.. has bruises e-everywhere too... she needs.. t-to go to the hospital.. quick.. cause of... the b-baby..." I say weeping.

"Quinn?? What?? I can't even understand you. What's wrong??" He says really concerned.

"Rachel she needs help!!" I shout to the phone then looking at Rachel noticing there's blood all down her legs. "Finn hurry!! There's.... blood... everywhere!!!!" I say crying even more

"What!!! O-Ok Oh my god. I'm coming just...please... just watch her until I get there." He says panicking. He hangs up before I can say anything else. I set my phone down and look down at Rachel just laying their hopelessly.

"Hang tight Rachel please... everything will be ok..." I say trying but to brake down. But I just can't... I lay my head on the top her forehead and start sobbing.

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