I can't do this

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{6 months later}
Rachel's p.o.v.
I was in the baby's nursery sorting some of his  clothes when I felt this huge pain in my stomach.
I stood up cause I decided to call Finn when another pain hit and water came down my leg. Oh no I think it's time. I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Finn's number.


"Finn I need you to come home right now I think I'm in...." then a another contraction came and I shrieked in pain.

"Rachel what's wrong?!" Finn says worried.

"I'm in labor. Just please hurry!!" I said in a lot of pain.

"O-Ok I'm coming!! Just hang in there I'll be there in five minutes." He said then hung up.

Finn's p.o.v.
I hop out of my truck and run into the apartment building and to our apartment the door was locked so I started searching for the keys in my pockets. While I was doing that I heard Rachel scream in pain. I started to panicking. I finally found my key unlocked the door and rushed in the house to find Rachel crouching over the bed looking like she was in so much pain.

"Finn..." she says weakly with tears streaming down her face.

"Oh hunny. Are you ok?" I say rushing over to her.

"No I'm not Finn. I can't do this. I'm so scared. I mean I'm about to have a baby." She wipes her tears as she starts crying more.

"I know it's scary but look you can do this. Your no doubt the strongest person I know. And your gonna be an incredible mom and I know it's gonna be painful but you can do it. I know you can. The pain is only gonna last for a little time and then we're gonna have our little boy for the rest of our lives." I say with a soft smile and then wipe her tears. She nods.
"Now are you good?" Is ask her.

"Yes just ready to get this over with and this baby out of me. Let's go!!" She says as another contraction comes.

"Right. Come on." I help her up ,grab our bags and we leave.

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