She's heartbroken

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{the next week}
Santana's p.o.v.
"Rachel open up!!" I say as I knocking on her door for the third time. But she still doesn't answer.

"Rachel hurry up before I break in!! We're all waiting!!" I say getting very irritated.

"Sorry guys." She says opening the door and sniffling.

"You ok Rachel?" Blaine asks her.

"Um y-yeah. Totally fine. Are you all ready cause we're gonna be really late." She says anxiously.

"Rach can I talk to you inside?" I ask her.

"Y-Yeah." She says getting tense.

"You guys go ahead to the car. We'll meet you there." I say with a smile then they go and me and Rachel go into her apartment.

"So.. um... w-what did you want to t-talk about?" Rachel said kinda shaking.

"Rachel what is going on?" I ask her concerned.

"Nothing!! Why does everyone keep asking me that?!?! I'm fine!!!!" She yells and slams her hand down onto her table.

"Because Rachel your constantly stressed, upset, angry, or crying!! It's not good for the baby Rachel!!" I say then she sits down on the coach and brakes down.

"I just don't know what to do Santana." She said crying with her head in her hands.

"You know what your gonna do? Your gonna calm down and take care of you and your little baby. I know you want Finn. But if you think that squishy tits is just gonna leave you that easy your out of your mind. Knowing him he will wait 50 years just until you forgive him."
I said to her and she lifts her head up.

"I know." She said with a weak smile.

"Well we better get going otherwise we're going to be late." I say standing up. She gets up and grabs her purse. She looks at me.

"Are you coming?" She asks opening the door.

"Yeah I've just gotta make a call first. I'll meet you down there." I say pulling my phone out.

"Oh ok." She says with a smile then leaves.

I quickly dial Finns number.

"Hello?" I tired Finn answers.

"You better be ready to talk to Rachel." I say seriously.

"I am trust me. How's she doing by the way?" He asks.

"She's heartbroken. Let's just put it that way."
I say. He sighs. "Well anyways we're on our way to the appointment so be ready. I think you should just knock on the door and wait for her to answer then you can talk to her got it??" I say to him.

"Y-Yeah got it. Thanks Santana." He says nervously.

"No problem. Just don't screw this up." I say then hang up and head to the car.

~ Ooo I guess Rachel and Finn are gonna have a little chat😏
~ thank you guys so much for 1k reads!!!!❤️
~ love you all so so much!!!

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