Back to Lima

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Rachel's p.o.v
{two days later}
Its been a hard two days but I'm so thankful for Finn he's been there for me when I cry and just held me and confronted me these past two days. Right now we are packing up to go to Lima for the next couple days for my moms funeral tomorrow and just to spend some time with my family.

"Ok Rach you ready? I don't want to be late for our flight." Finn said as he grabbed the suitcases and walked them to the door.

"Yep as ready as I'll ever be." I said and frowned.

Finn looked back. Walked over to me and hugged me.

"It's gonna be fine. I'm here for you ok?" He said looking down at me and smiled.

I just nodded and kissed him. We walked out our apartment and walked over to Kurt, Blaine, Brittany,and Santana's apartment cause there coming with us. I knocked on the door and it opened. They were all standing there with their suitcases ready to go.

"Hey guys." Finn smiled.

"Sup frankenteen." Santana said and Finn just rolled his eyes while I giggled.

"Hi Rachie!" Brittany said smiling "Hey Britt." I said and weakly smiled.

"Here this is for you." Britt said while handing me a stuffed rainbow unicorn "This is a very special unicorn she has magical powers so be very careful with her ok? I thought it would cheer you up." Brittany said sincerely with a smile. I just looked at her confused "Thanks Britt?" I said and hugged her and we all laughed.

Finn's p.o.v
Seeing Rachel laugh for the first time in three days made me really happy thanks to Brittany's craziness. After that we all got in Kurt and Blaines car and drove to the airport. I really hope this trip goes ok....

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