We're not going anywhere

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Finn's p.o.v.
I stood at the door to Rachel's room waiting to go in. I just had to wait for the doctor to take a blood test real quick then I can go see her.

"Ok she's all yours" the doctors says walking out of the room. I nod then slowly open the door.

"Hey babe." I hear Rachel say then I look over at her and she's sitting in the hospital bed hooked up to a lot of iv's but she still has a big smile on her face.

"Well don't just stand there. Come here!!" She says to me while giggling and holding her arms out. I smile then run over and hug her.

"I'm so happy nothing happened to you guys." I say to her while braking our hug and putting my hand on her baby bump.

"Me too." She says with a smile. I smile back and start stroking my hand through her hair cause it always relaxes her.

"So what happened??" I ask her then she looks up and sighs.

"Well... the girl that you cheated on me with found me and was saying  how I took her away from her true love meaning you." She says looking down and playing with her hands. "So she punched me and I fell to the ground but I didn't fight back because I was only worried about protecting the baby. She saw me putting my hands over the bump and ask me if I was pregnant and I said yes so she punched me again then kicked me right in the stomach and then I passed out." She tells me. I hug her then brake down crying in her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Rach... it's all my fault that this happened to you..." I say still crying.

"Hey Finn..." she says and I brake the hug and look at her.

"Look at me this isn't your fault ok?Me and the baby are fine and your here now so everything's gonna be ok." She says with a smile and wipes my tears.

"I love you." I say to her smiling.

"I love you too." She replies opening her arms so I can hug her again. I bend down and hug her tightly.

"I'm just so glad you guys are ok. I don't know what I would've done if I lost you two." I say to her still hugging.

"Well we're here now and trust me we're not going anywhere." She replies

{later that night}
Still Finns p.o.v.
I can't believe that this happened. I feel so bad for her. Right now I'm cuddling with Rachel in the hospital room bed as she has her head buried into my chest sleeping as my arms are wrapped around her. I look down at her and see how cute Rachel looks as she sleeps. Shes so sweet, she would never hurt anyone and the thought of someone hurting her makes me sick. Why would someone ever want to hurt her?!? I close my eyes trying to block out all the worries that I have cause no matter what I know that I'm gonna protect Rachel.

Finding our happy ending {finchel fan fic}Where stories live. Discover now