Its now or never

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{the next day}
Rachel's p.o.v
Today's the of my mothers funeral. I've never thought I would have to go to one of my parents funerals so soon. My dads had to leave early to go take care of some things at the funeral home so it's just me and Finn at my old house right now. I have a black shirt on and a black skirt that has a big bow on the back. My hair is in a side bun with a few pieces hanging down to frame my face. I did light makeup with dark pink lipstick trying not to go to far with my makeup. I smelled pancakes so I went to find my amazing boyfriend cooking me breakfast.

"Hey babe." I say standing on my tip toes to kiss his cheek.

"Hey hun." He said hugging me and then handing me a plate of pancakes.

"Thanks Finn." I said grabbing the plate and smiled .

"Anything for you." He said then kissed me.

We sat down and ate while having a little conversation, once we were done we put our plates in the dishwasher then Finn ran upstairs to get ready and I sat on the couch watching the tv waiting for him to be done. About ten minutes later Finn came down the stairs looking handsome as ever.

"Rach you ready?" He said while walking over to the couch and reaching his hand out for me to grab it.

"Yep." I replied sighing and grabbing his hand.

Then he pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear " I'm so proud of you. You know that right?"

"Is that so?" I say smiling

"Yep." He simply says while grabbing my hand as we walk to the door and leave for my moms funeral.

Finn's p.o.v
I'm so proud of Rachel. She is so strong. I'm so happy to call her my girlfriend and hopefully soon fiancé. I was holding her hand and she was squeezing it tight that's how I know she was getting more and more nervous so I started rubbing my thumb across her little hand to calm her down. She looked up at me and gave me a small smile. God she's so cute I can't even stand it!!

Finding our happy ending {finchel fan fic}Where stories live. Discover now