There's no coming back

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Rachel's p.o.v.
It's 1am and Finn is still not home yet. It's been like 6 hours. I'm just gonna call him.

"Hello?" A girl who sounded irritated answered the phone. My heart instantly sunk.

"Uh h-hi. Is Finn Hudson there?" I ask nervously but angry at the same time.

"Um who are you?" She said in a snotty voice.

"Excuse me?! I'm his fiancé!!" I said getting even more angry.

"Oh really."

"Yes really. Now where is he!!" I say.

"Somebody's a little aggressive.I don't know if I should tell you. Cause that would ruin all the fun we were having. And that would be a shame. Wouldn't it??" She says and I can just feel her smirking through the phone.

"Just put him on the damn phone." I say putting my hand on the counter, trying to calm myself down.

"Well last I knew he was down paying for our hotel room and he left his phone. Oh and he left his socks under the bed." She says evily.

"U-Um I gotta go." I say starting to cry.

I hang up the phone and run to my bedroom trying to pull myself together. I can't believe he would do this to me. I say shaking. I grab my hand to stop it for shaking but nothing helps. What the hell am I gonna do with myself??!

Still Rachel's p.o.v.
I've been waiting for Finn for like an hour and I'm getting really pissed. I finally hear him come through the door. He puts his stuff on the floor and sighs. Oh that is it!! I madly run to him and slap him in the face before he could say a word to me.

"What the hell is wrong with you!!" I scream at him through my tears.

"Rachel I-" he starts but before he says anything I go off on him.

"How could you do this to me we were supposed to find our happy ending!!! I can't even look at you the same anymore. Cause all I see is some lame messed up douche bag who had everything a man could want in life and threw it all away without even caring. And the worst part is that you did this the DAY after you proposed to me and promised me all the love in the world. This is not what a man does Finn!!! I put my trust and love in you. But tonight you proved that it was all for nothing!!!" I yell wanting to cry but I push it aside.

"Please it's not what it sounds like" he said trying to touch my arm but I pull away.

"Oh I don't know what it sounds like?! Are you kidding me Finn?!? Are you FREAKING kidding me?! Cause it sounds like, now correct me if I'm wrong, YOU CHEATED ON ME with some LAME WASHED UP SLUT!!!!" he just stands there speechless.

"Get out."

"W-What?!" He says shocked.

"LEAVE. I don't want you here." I say pointing to the door.

"Please Rach dont do this..." he says tearing up.

"Don't call me Rach. You have no right to say that and you have no right to be here. So you need to leave. And don't even bother trying to come back because I don't ever want to see you again. We're done." I say with angry tears while grabbing he stuff throwing it at him then pushing him out , and slamming the door right in his face.

After I know he's gone, I run to the couch, scream and angrily take off my ring and throw it across the room then I just break down.
I can't believe he would do this to me....

Finding our happy ending {finchel fan fic}Where stories live. Discover now