No ring

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Finn's p.o.v
I just got done with work and was on my way to go pick up the ring that I preordered for Rachel when I looked at my phone and had five missed calls from her. I got a little worried and called her back right away. When finally she answers.

"Hello? Finn?" Rachel says sounding like she's been crying.

"Babe what's wrong?" I say getting really worried.

" I'll tell you when you get here. Just... please....hurry...." She says while a sniffling.

"I'm on my way." I say to her and end the call.

I immediately turn the car around and head home. The ring can wait. My girlfriend needs me and she's all that matters.

I burst trough the doors and look around for Rachel but can't find her.

"Rachel!! Honey are you here??"I say while running into the bedroom to see
where she is and then I hear her and the sight I see makes my heart brake.

~ sorry for the short chapter guys!! <3

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