What I needed

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{1 week later}
Finn's p.o.v.
We just got back from Lima last night cause Rachel really wanted to stay longer but that means today I have to go back to work. I feel bad about leaving Rachel so I invited Kurt and Santana to come over and do some fun things Rachel while I'm at work. Blaine and Brittany can't come cause there working but that's ok at least she'll have San and Kurt. I just finished getting ready so it's time to go to work.

"Hey Rach I'm leaving." I say to Rachel putting my hands around her waist with my head on her shoulder while she's washing the dishes.

"Ok see ya later babe." She said still washing the dishes.

"Can't wait. See ya." I say and kiss her cheek then she turns her head so that she's kissing my lips. She deepens the kiss then I have to pull apart because I'm gonna be late.

"Mhmm... that was a good goodbye." I smirked. She giggled. I hugged her one last time grabbed my stuff and left.

Rachel's p.o.v
Since Finn goes back to work today sadly Kurt and Santana are coming over for a girls day! I'm so excited!! Finn just left and right when I finished up the dishes I hear a knock at the door. I immediately run to the door and hug my friends at the door.

"Diva!" "Kurt!" "Berry!" "San!" We all say to each other and laugh.

"Let's get this spa day started!!" Kurt says squealing and jumping up and down. Me and Santana just look at each other and laugh.

We arrive at the spa for our much needed spa day.We walk over to the wall of nail polishes so we can chose colors for our finger nails and toe nails.

"Omg there's so many colors!!" Kurt said excitedly.

"Wait lady lips is getting her nails done?" Santana said pointing at Kurt.

"Shut up Santana!! Who cares if I want to get my nails done!! And by the way I'm just getting a clear color." Kurt said kinda getting up in Santana's face.

"Oh you wanna try with that sass again-"

"Okay guys that's enough. Let's just enjoy are time ok??" I said interrupting San and getting in-between them. They both just nod and look back at the wall of colors. I laugh at them then finish picking out my colors.

We finally pick out our colors after a lot of decisions. I picked out a light pick, Santana picked out a bright red,and Kurt is just doing clear. We got over to the massaging chairs and we all sat down, put our feet in the little tub with the jets, put our hands in little bowls, and the ladies put a facial mask and cucumbers on our faces. It was amazing.

"Oh my god guys this is the best thing EVER!!" Kurt said freaking out once again. Me and Santana both just nodded not really paying attention to him cause we were so relaxed.

{6 hours later}
So we are officially done with our 'girls day' we've were at the spa for about 3 hours just relaxing, talking , and laughing so hard. Then we went shopping and went to eat. It was such a perfect day. I'm so thankful for my friends. Now I'm on my way home to wait for Finn. I'm so excited to see him. I've missed him so much today. But this was a much needed day.

I arrived home, dropped my bags ,and flopped on the couch and watched tv. When finally I heard the door open and saw my handsome boyfriend walk through the door. I smiled at how handsome he looked and waited for him to walk over to the couch. He set his bag down and practically ran over to me. I just laughed at how cute he was.

"Hey babe how was your spa day?? Looks like you had fun." Finn says looking over and pointing to the all the shopping bags. Then sitting next to me on the couch wrapping his arms around me.

"Amazing!!" I squeal and he just laughs.

"That's good!!" He smiled at me.

"Look at my nails!!" I say holding up my hands in front of his face.

"Those are pretty!!" He says looking at my pink nails.

"Thanks babe!!" I kiss his cheek and he just smiled at me.

"So what else did you do today?" Finn asked me and I told him everything we did today with the happiest look on my face.

"Looks like you have more fun with them then you do with me." He said fake pouting.

"No. Never. But thank you so much for setting this whole day for me it was amazing." I told him.

"Of course. Anything for you." I smile then hug him. We brake our hug and he looks at me and I kissed him. He deepens it and I realize that it would be much more fun if we weren't on the couch.

"Wanna take this to the bedroom?" I said smirking. His face lite up.

"Yes! Let's go!" He shot up so fast grabbed my hand and we went into the bedroom.

{let's just say they have some fun😂}

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