sappy family love

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Finn's p.o.v.
We got to the hospital about an hour ago and the doctor says that Rachel's finally ready to deliver.

"Ok Rach you can do this. This is the moment we've been waiting for." I say grabbing her hand and rubbing it.

"I know. I can do this." She says taking a deep breath then giving me a weak smile. I smile back then the doctor comes in.

"Ok Rachel are you ready to have this baby?" The doctor says putting on gloves. She just nods.

"Ok 1....2...3.. push!!" The doctors says.

"Ahhhhh!!" She screams.

"Ok push again!!" The doctor says.

"Ahhhh!!! Oh my god this hurts so bad!!!" Rachel screams in pain.

"I know hunny. But your almost done you can do this." I tell her then kiss her hand. She nods and pushes once again.

"Ok he's crowing!!!" The doctors tells Rachel.

"AHHHHH!!!!" Rachel screams crying.

"Now last push!!" The doctor says.

"I can't do this!!! It hurts so freaking bad!!! Finn please help me!!!" Rachel cries as she grips onto my arm.

"You can do this Rach. Your the strongest person I know. Now one more push and our son will be here." I say to her and wipe her tears. She nods and pushes one more time and then we hear a little cry.

"Babe you did it!! I'm so proud of you." I say then kiss her head.

"Here's your baby boy Rachel." The doctor smiles then hands the baby to Rachel. Rachel takes him,smiles ,and starts tearing up.

"Hi baby I'm your mommy." She says to our little boy in her arms. I kneel down next to the bed and just stare at my little family. "I love you so much." Rachel says then kisses the babies head and starts tearing up even more.

"Would you like to hold him Finn?" Rachel asks me and I nod. She hands me our little baby.

Rachel's p.o.v.
I hand our baby to Finn and grab my phone from the nightstand to take a picture. I look back and see tears come down Finn's face but he quickly wipes them off his face.

"Are you ok babe?" I ask putting my phone down.

"Yeah... I'm just so in love with both of you guys. I'm so proud of you Rachel." He says grabbing my hand and kissing it while still holding the baby.

"Aww I love you so much." I say then softly kiss his lips but the baby interrupts us with his crying.

"I think this little man needs his mommy." Finn says looking at me with a smile. I smile back then reach my arms out so he can hand me the baby. He hands me him then I start feeding him.

"I love our little family." Finn says kissing my forehead then starts rubbing the baby's head.

"Me too. I wouldn't want things any other way." I say smiling.

{the next morning}
Finn's p.o.v.
I'm just sitting here with our baby boy in my arms as Rachel sleeps. Im so proud of her. She is so strong. I honestly don't know how she did it but she did and she did amazing. Now because of her we have our perfect baby. He's so precious and small. I never really knew how small baby's were. He's literally the cutest baby I've ever seen. I was so captivated by him I didn't even notice Rachel was up until she said something.

"You're a really good dad."

I looked up and saw Rachel smiling at me.

"And you're a really good mom." I said and she giggled.

"How's our little man doing?" She's says reaching for him.

"Amazing everything I could ever hope for." I say putting him in her arms.

"He's so handsome." Rachel says smiling.

"Yep. He's gonna get all the girls." I say as Rachel playfully hits my arm as we both laugh.

"Rach you know what I just realized?" I said to her and she looked up at me.

"What?" She asked.

"We haven't named our son yet." I said with a slight laugh.

"Oh my god your right." She says laughing. We sat together on the hospital bed thinking until something popped into my head.

"Jackson Will Hudson." I said then looked at her and a smile grew on her face.

"I love it." She said then kisses me softly. Then we heard a knock on the door.

Rachel's p.o.v.
"Come in!!" Finn said.

"Are you allowing visitors?" Quinn asked peeking her head in the room.

"Of course come in!!" I said happily.

Then the all our glee family came in including Mr.Shue and all we heard was a whole bunch of aww's and omg's.

"Hey everyone!!" Finn says getting up from the bed.

"Omg is that my nephew!!" Quinn quietly squealed cause Jackson was sleeping in my arms.

"Oh my Barbra he is the most handsome little guy!!!" Kurt said running over to me and rubbing his head.

"He sure is. Everyone meet Jackson Will Hudson." I said smiling and rocking him in my arms and everyone awed.

"You named him after me??" Mr Shue said.

"Of course you have played a huge role in both Rachel and I's life the least we can do is name our son after you." Finn said with a smile and hugged Mr.Shue.

"Damn. I think this is the only time I've ever cried at one of moobs dumb sappy speeches." Satan's says wiping her tears. "Good job bud." She said patting Finn on the shoulder and he laughed.

We passed Jackson around so everyone could see him then after about an hour of all of us talking they all left.

"It was a good day. Little Jackson got to meet all of our family." I said feeding Jackson.

"Yep that was pretty great. Welcome to our crazy family Jackson." Finn said and we kissed and just watched are son till it was time for bed.

~ okay guys sorry for the extremely sappy chapter but it is what it is🤷🏼‍♀️ anyways so this book is sadly coming to a close... BUT I am writing a sequel right now so look out for that because it definitely has a lot more drama and fun things in it!! I literally have to listen to sad music whenever I write a chapter of it😂 love you guys!!<3

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