Date night and unexpected news

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Finn's p.o.v
{1 week later}
Ever since Rachel's mom came and tried to get into Rachel's life she's been really down on herself. She's been saying she made the wrong decision.She has this feeling in the pit of her stomach like she's not gonna get another chance with her mom. Which is super strange if you ask me but anyways, we're sitting on the couch with her in my arms watching a movie while I run my hands down her silky brown hair when I got an idea.

"Hey Rach?" I ask sitting up a little bit forgetting that Rachel is sleeping and she falls right on the floor.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." I say worried then she just bursts out laughing. It was so cute. I just love her.

"It's fine Finn don't worry about it. What's up??" She says wiping the tears off her eyes from laughing.

"I was thinking we could have a date night cause we haven't had on in a while. So would do say tomorrow night at 8?" I say smirking.

"I would love that!!" She says jumping up and down excitingly and I just laughed at her cuteness.

"Alright tomorrow night it is." I say pecking her lips and walking away making her want more but we'll save that for tomorrow. I smirk just thinking about it. What Rachel doesn't know is that I'm gonna propose to her....

Rachel's p.o.v
{ the next day}
I'm so excited for tonight. Ever since my mom tried to come into my life I've been kinda sad and guilty but I'm gonna try not to think about it because I can't wait to spend the whole night with my amazing boyfriend. I was sitting on the couch watching tv waiting for Kurt and Santana to come over cause they are taking me shopping for tonight before I have to go to work. I wonder where Finn is taking me. Maybe it's Sardis? No that's to predictable. Maybe Central Park? Omg I would love that it's such a beautiful day too. I got pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at my door. I run to the door and open it up to see two of my amazing friends.

"Hey guys!" I say hugging them.

"Hey diva!" "Hey b!" They both say smiling and hugging me back.

"So are you ready to go?" Kurt said jumping up and down while clapping his hands."We have to get makeup, hair products, jewelry, shoes, a dress definitely a dress, we must get your nails done, and maybe-"

"Okay that's enough gay boy. Let's go." Santana said interrupting Kurt and pushing him out of the doorway.

I just laugh, grab my bag, and follow them out to my car.

{3 hours later}
Just finished with Kurt and Santana and got the perfect outfit that's gonna make Finn's jaw drop. I can't wait for tonight!! But first I have to go to work.

Class is almost finished when my phone keeps going off and it's driving me crazy! So I get my phone out of my purse while the kids keep practicing. I look down and I have 8 missed calls from-what!! From Shelby!! My eyes widened as I take a second look at my phone to see if it's true and it is. How did she even get my number? I ignore it until 3 more calls come in so I just answer it cause I was getting super annoyed.

"Hello?" I say with a little rudeness.

"Hi Rachel." A man says with deep sadness in his voice.

"Wait...Mr.Shue? Why do you have my moms phone? Is everything ok?" I say starting to panic a little.

"Yeah Rach it's me..."

"Mr.Shue what's wrong?"I say panicking even more.

"It's your mom she's dead...."

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