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Chapter 36
Rachel's p.o.v.
We got to Lima yesterday and we are all staying in Santana's moms house cause it's really big and her mom is on vacation so we all have the house to ourselves. By ourselves I mean me, Finn, Santana, Kurt, Britt, and Blaine. So right now we all are on our way to our old high school for the gleeuion. We all are so excited we really can't wait to see our glee family again.

We finally get to the school and get out of the car and start walking in.

"I'm so nervous." I say holding Finn's hand.

"Me too." Blaine replies

"I'm so excited!!!!" Kurt says clapping his hands while linked arms with Blaine.

"I just can't wait to get this over with." Santana says looking at her makeup with her camera on her phone.

"Oh come on San. It's gonna be fun!!" Brittany says linking arms with Santana.

"Well if you say so." She replies winking at her.

"Ok guys stop with the lovey dovey stuff, we're here!!!" I say pointing at the choir room.

"Well don't just stand there. Let's go in!!" Santana says pushing us out of the way so she can be the first one to enter. Like usual. We all roll our eyes then follow her in.

"Hey everyone!!! The party is here." Santana says bowing.

"Oh San how I've  missed your self-obsessed personality." Mercedes says and hugs her and walks over to me and Finn. Santana turns her head and has a confused look on her face.

"What does that even mean?" San says tilting her head and rolls her eyes then walks away.

"Omg!!! Rach look at your tummy!!!" Mercedes says to me braking our hug and putting her hands on my stomach.

"Hahaha theres definitely a baby in there!!" I say smiling then look up at Finn who is also smiling down at me with his arm around me. Mercedes just laughs then Tina rushes over me.

"Rach!!!! Congrats!!!" She say hugging me.

"Thanks Tina!" I say smiling at her.

"I'm so happy for you guys. Finally a little Finchel baby!!" She says jumping up and down. Me and Finn just laugh.

"Thanks Tina. Yeah, me and Rachel are so excited and couldn't be more happier." Finn says squeezing me into his chest.

"Aw you guys are too much!! Well I gotta go find Artie, I'll be right back!!" She says to us then runs out the door to go find her husband.

"I'm gonna go say hi to the boys. Are you ok??" Finn says pointing to where his friends were.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm gonna see the rest of the girls anyways." I reply with a smile and walk away.

I walk over to the girls and start talking to them when I hear someone squeal my name.


I turn around and see my best friend looking at me with an excited look on her face.

"Quinn!!!!" I squeal back in excitement and run over to her, and practically jump in her arms.

"I missed you so much Quinny!!" I say hugging her and tearing up.

"I missed you to Rachie!!" She says then brakes our hug.

"Why are you crying?" She asks wiping the couple tears off her face.

"I just really missed you." I smile then hug her again.

"Aww I missed you too Rach!!" She says then looks down at my stomach.

"Omg Rach!! Your baby tummy!!!" She says then puts her hands on my stomach.

"I know!! Me and Finn are so excited!!"
I say smiling really wide.

"Where is Finn anyways??" She asks looking around.

"Oh he's over there." I say pointing to him. She looks at me and I nod cause I know exactly what she's gonna do cause she does this every time she sees him, she smiles at me then runs over to him and jumps on his back and he literally almost falls over. I start laughing so hard.

Finn's p.o.v.
I was talking to Mike, Artie, Sam, and Blaine when I feel someone jump on my back and I basically almost fall over. I try to see who it is but I can't tell. I know it's not Rachel cause she's  pregnant so she obviously can't do that, but then I remember the person who does this to me every time she sees me.

"Nice to see you to Quinn." I say looking back at her. She just starts laughing then gets down.

"Hey Finn!! How have you been doing?" She says patting my shoulder.

"Good! How about you??" I ask her.

"Great!! Beth is getting so big!! Wait until you see her!! " She says happily.

"Where is my niece anyways??" I ask her curiously looking around for Beth.

"Oh she should be here any second with puck." She replies.

"Oh ok. I can't wait to see that little girl!"
I say smiling at her.

"Aww I bet she can't wait to see you!!" She says smiling back at me.  I look over and see Rachel over there talking and laughing with Brittany and Tina. She looks so beautiful with that baby belly. "I'm so happy for you guys!!!" She says looking over at Rachel then looking back at me

"Thanks. We are so happy." I say looking at Rachel.

I see Rachel turn around and smile at me so I smile back, then I hear someone call her name.

~ Since I won't be updating on Christmas I just wanted to wish you all an early Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukah!! <3 and also a couple of these chapters are just filler chapters so after a couple more chapters there will be more things happening😉❤️

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