I can't forgive you yet

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Rachel's p.o.v.
I just got back from my appointment and I'm so exhausted. So I lay down on the couch and just watch Bravo. After about 20 minutes I hear a knock on the door. But I'm too tired to answer it so ignore it. Then about 2 knocks later I sigh and get up to answer the door. I walk up to the door and open it to see someone I wasn't expecting. My eyes widen. I panic cause I don't know what to say to him so I try to close the door but Finn blocks it.

"Rach please... just let me in so that we can talk..." he says trying to walk in but I'm blocking him. There's really no use in making him leave now.... I reluctantly let go of the door and then walk away.

"We can't talk if I have nothing to say to you. I told you we're done." I say rudely.

"I know your mad at me. And I totally understand why because what I did was so wrong. But I just want you to know that I'm so so sorry Rachel... I want to earn back your trust and I know it's gonna take time and I get that but I just want you the hear me out." He's says desperately as I just keep going around the apartment picking up things as he just follows me. I stop and turn to look as the sadness in his eyes. I just want to run into his arms and never let go. But I know that I can't do that.

"Fine, but I'm not gonna stand here forever." I say stopping what I'm doing so that I can give him my attention.

"Listen I know I messed up big time." He starts. I just nod. "But I just want you to know that I'm NEVER gonna do that again. What I did was so immature and childish. What I did too you is not fair at all you deserve that. You deserve the world and more.. That's why I'm gonna change. I'm gonna be a better man for you and our baby because you deserve that. I just really want to be a family with you again. I love you so much. And you can't forgive me then I-I'll leave and go back to my hotel room and just sit there and wait for you. Because I will wait as long as it takes until I can get back into your life. That's all that matters to me." He says sincerely as he tears up. I wipe the tears off my face.

"That's really sweet of you Finn and I believe you." I say and he smiles. "But I just can't forgive you yet...There's not really a way to come back after what you did.... I'm sorry..." I say and his smile fades and he looks down at the floor.

"I understand. But just know that I'll wait as long as it takes. Cause I love you so much and I love this baby." He says then starts to walk to the door.

"Wait Finn!!" I say running to him. He immediately turns around.

"H-Here's the sonogram picture from my first appointment today. The baby is perfect and healthy." I say with a soft smile as he takes the picture from my hand and just looks at it in shock as he runs his finger over it. He looks back up at me.

"Thank you for this." He says wiping the couple tears off his face. I smile a little then hug him cause I just couldn't let him leave without one. He hugs back then let's go.

"I'll see you later." He says with a small smile then leaves.

Finns p.o.v.
I need to fix this. I just have to. I want more than anything to be in my baby's life and I know I will be but I want to be family with Rachel and this baby. I just can't believe I was that stupid to screw up the best thing in my life. Rachel's my everything. These past few days have been complete torture without her. I just know I have to make it up to her and earn back her trust.

While I'm driving back to the hotel I look back down at the baby sonogram as my eyes are filling with tears. I can't even believe me and Rachel created that perfect little thing. As I get knocked back out of my daze I look back at the road and see that I'm passing a red light. I quickly look to my right and don't see a car. I sigh in relief but then I hear loud beeping. I then look to my left and everything went black....

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