That little family moment

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Rachel's p.o.v.
Right now I'm waiting in the doctors office with Santana, Brittany, Kurt, and Blaine. And I really don't know how to feel anymore. I'm nervous, scared, sad, angry, and happy. But mostly I just want Finn. It's just killing me.

"Rachel Berry??" The doctor calls. We all stand up and follow her to the room.

"Don't worry Rach you'll be fine." Santana says squeezing my hand. I nod. We get in the room and don't really know what to do cause I've rarely been to the doctor.

"Ok Rachel you can just lay down here and pull your shirt up." The doctor says and smiles. I do what he asks.

"Ok so this is gonna be cold." The doctor says and puts in on my stomach while Kurt and Santana hold my hands. I close my eyes.

"Here's your baby Rachel. So it looks like your about a month pregnant so congrats!!" The doctor says. I thought about for a moment then I remember that it wasn't the time after I got engaged when we did it. It was the time before that. I open my eyes and see my baby on the screen I feel tears already streaming down my face. I can't believe that a baby is inside of me. I just wish Finn was here to see this.
The doctor looks at me.

"I'll give you guys a moment while I print out pictures. I'll be right back." The doctor says with a smile but I don't really pay attention cause I'm to focused on my baby.

"Are you ok Rachie?" Brittany comes over to me and starts rubbing my back.

"Yeah I just wish Finn was here..." I️ phase for a moment while they all look at me with sympathy. "This is not how this was all supposed to happen... I️ always dreamed of having Finn here with me and just us being over the moon because we saw our little baby for first time. Our first baby that we made together. But now Finn isn't here and we don't have that little family moment that every person cherishes forever." I say on the verge of braking down. Then Brittany hugs me and I️ just can't hold it in anymore. This day was supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life...

"Aww Rach." Kurt says coming over.

"We know Rach." Santana says with a smile.

"I just don't think I can forgive him yet." I say looking down.

"Then don't. Hell you don't ever have too. But you know that no matter what Finn will always be there for you and that baby." Santana says and I️ nod knowing she's right but it still won't be the same.

"And we will always be here to help you." Blaine chimed in.

"Thanks guys." I said then we had a group hug.

"Ok here are all the pics. Your all set Rachel everything's good with you and the baby so I'll see you in a couple weeks to find out the gender." The doctors says walking into the room.

"Ok thank you." I say with a smile then we left.

Finn's p.o.v.
I'm on my way to Rachel and I️'s house right now and I'm so nervous. I decided to just wait until she got home from her appointment instead of like "braking" into to our apartment and wait for her like Santana originally wanted me too. I decided that's just too creepy but I guess that's just what Santana does.

I pull up to the apartment building and start to walk up to our apartment. I get to the door after about a five minute walk cause I was procrastinating. But I know I have to do this not only for me and Rachel but for our child. I walk up to the door and knock on the door at just wait there nervously for her to answer.

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