Life's perfect

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{2 years later}
Rachel's p.o.v.
I was sitting in the hospital just looking at my baby girl. She's perfect. It's crazy how fast we had another child. Me and Finn haven't even had our wedding yet. But I believe everything has a timing and a purpose. Right now I'm just waiting for Finn to come up from the lobby with Jackson so he can meet his baby sister. Five minutes later I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in!!!" I say. I see the door open and in comes my cute little family. Finn walks in hand and hand with Jackson while he carries his stuffed monkey.

"Look jack there's mommy and sissy." Finn says picking up Jackson and pointing to me.

"Hey buddy!!" I say to jackson and he reaches for me. "Come here." I say then Finn softly sets him next to me on the bed.

"Look it's your sister." Finn says to him and pointing to the baby in my arms.

"My sissy??" Jackson says in his cute little voice and pointing to himself.

"Yep her name is Emma."I say to him. He looks at her  then gently kisses the baby's head.

Me and Finn tear up. He walks over to my side of the bed.

"I love you and our kids so much." Finn says to me.

"I love you too." I say then kiss his lips.

"Hey guys!!" Me and Finn hear then look over to see Quinn and puck come in with Beth.

"Hi!!" I say then Jackson looks towards Beth.

"Beth!!" Jackson says then hops off the bed and runs over to Beth and they give each other a big hug. We all just smile at them. They have become such great friends even though their a couple years apart.

"We're here to see my new niece!!" Kurt says coming in with Blaine and their baby boy mason that they adopted last year.

"Hey guys!!" Finn says hugging his brother.

"How's my nephew doing?" Finn asks playing with masons hand.

"Good!! Now where's your newest addition?" Blaine says.

"She's right over there." Finns says pointing over to me with the most loving smile on his face.

"Oh my god!! She is so beautiful Rachie!!!" Kurt says coming over to me.

"Thanks Kurt." I say laughing then handing the baby to him.

"She takes after her mommy." Finn says with a smile as he picks up Jackson. I smile at him and giggle.

{the next day}
Finns p.o.v.
"Hey babe!! Are my favorite girls ready to go home?" Finn says coming into my hospital room and walks over to me as I'm changing Emma.

"Yep we're more than ready." I saying hugging him. He kisses the top of my head then the baby starts crying.

"Aww. Are you ready to go home princess?" Finns says walking over to the baby and picking her up. I smile then walk over to him.

"How's Jackson?" I ask him as he just stares at the baby in his arms.

"He's good but he's been asking about you guys. So he's gonna be so happy when we get home." He says then starts putting Emma in her little car seat.

"Aww I miss him so much so let's get going!!" I say grabbing my bags.

"Here I'll take those for you." Finn smiles then takes my bags and the car seat.

"Finn you don't have to take all that."

"Oh come on Rach. You just had my kid. It's the least I can do." He said walk out of the hospital door. I laugh.

"True." I say then he laughs.

"Ok welcome to your home Emma." Finn says opening the door for me as I'm holding Emma in my arms. The first thing we hear when we come in the door is,

"Mommy, Daddy, and sissy!!!" Jackson says coming into the room and running to me and hugging my legs tightly.

"Hey jack!! I've missed you so much!!" I say bending to him so he can see Emma.

"You remember baby Emma right?" I ask him.

"Mhm." He says then touches her tiny arm gently.

"Do you want to hold sissy bud?" Finn says also bending down to us. He looks at me then back at Finn and nods his head excitedly. Me and Finn chuckle.

"Ok come here." I say patting the couch cushion. He runs over and sits down. I place the baby gently in his arms with my hand to support Emma's head of course. I watch as his little face lights up. Finn walk over to me and kisses me as I just watch our kids.

"I love you and our family so much." Finn says sitting next to us.

"Me too. I wouldn't want life any other way."

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