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Rachel's p.o.v.
Right now I'm waiting for Finn to get home from work cause today I'm surprising with telling him we're going to Lima. I'm so excited, he should be home any minute.

Ten minutes later he finally gets home. I hear him set his bag down and walk through the kitchen.

"Hunny are you here?" Finn asks.

"In the bedroom!!" I shout back.

He walks in and sees the empty suitcases on the floor.

"Wait. What are the suitcases for?" He says tilting his head and pointing at the suitcases.

"Pack your bags cause we are going to Lima for a glee reunion!!" I say jumping up and down.

"Wait seriously?!!" He says getting excited.

"Yep!!" I say still jumping up and down.

"Oh my gosh!!" He says then comes over to me and hugs me.

"Thanks babe." He says then kisses me.

"Of course." I say smiling up at him and he smiles back.

"Well let's get packing we have a plane to catch!!" I say braking the hug. He smiles and nods then we start packing.

{the next morning}
Still Rachel's p.o.v.
Today's the day we go to Lima and see all of our friends!! I'm so excited it's not been to long since we saw them but we used to see them everyday in high school so it's still kinda weird not seeing them all the time but I'm just glad we all still keep in contact.

"Babe are you ready?" I shout to Finn from the bathroom curling my hair.

"Yep!! Got the suitcases!!" He shouts heading to the door with the suitcases.

"Ok I'm coming!" I say turning off my curling iron then going to the door.

"Do we have everything?" I say walking towards the door where Finn was waiting for me.

"Yep now let's go and get Kurt,Blaine,Brittany, and Santana and get to the airport!!" He says happily.

"Ok let's go!!" I say opening the door for Finn cause he had all the suitcases in his hands.

"You look beautiful by the way." Finn says smirking while walking past me. I just look down at the floor smiling and blushing.

"Hey guys!!" I say as they open the door.

"Hey diva!!" Kurt says then hugs me.

"Ok are you guys done being all lovey? I mean come on we see each-other everyday can we just go? And I don't think squishy tits over here can wait any longer. He's practically jumping out of his pants in excitement. And none of us here want to see that happen, except Berry." Santana said rolling her eyes and looking at her nails. We all roll our eyes at her.

"Ok San geesh." Blaine says grabbing him and Kurts bags.

"Ok shall we go?" Finn says gesturing.

"Yes!!! Let's go!!!!" Brittany says coming out of the bathroom with a unicorn shirt on. We all laugh.

"What I have to support the unicorns." Brittany say pointing to her shirt.

"Ok yeah Britt we get it. Let's go!!" Kurt says excitingly and then we all leave. I'm so excited for this much needed getaway.

~ Mostly just a filler chapter but I hope you all still enjoy it!!! <3

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