It just felt right

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Finn's p.o.v.
I suddenly hear this voice I listen to it for a second then realize it's Rachel. I keep trying to open my eyes but they won't open but I'm not gonna give up. I can't give up on her. So I keep trying and finally my eyes open. I look over and see Rachel sitting next to me crying as shes holding her baby bump.

"Rachel...." I say softly.

She looks up at me and her face brightens up.

"Finn?" She says while wiping her tears.

"Yeah I'm here." I say then look towards her. She smiles and jumps into my arms. I hug her tightly as she starts crying into my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" I ask her pulling away concerned.

"I'm just so happy I didn't lose you." She says still crying.

"You can't get ride of me that easy!" I say smiling and she just giggles.

"Your so cheesy." She says still giggling. I just nod as I sarcastically smile at her. Then the room got silent.

"I forgive you. You know that right?" She tells me looking down at the floor and playing with something on her finger but I can't really see it.

"Yeah. I'm so grateful for you. I just want you to know that I will never ever do that to you again. I'm so sorry. I still feel so guilty." I say grabbing her hand. Then she hugs me again.

"Look at your bump." I say smiling and putting my hand on her stomach.

"Yeah you can totally tell I have a baby in there now." She says putting her hand on top of mine smiling and I just laugh.

"Tomorrow I'm finding out the gender if you wanna come. The doctors said your well enough to go to it. You just have to stay overnight tonight then you can come home tomorrow. Our room is waiting for you."
She says looking at me smiling.

"I would love to go. And come home." I say to her. She smiles then kisses me.

"Your still wearing the ring." I say looking down at her hand.

"Of course I am." She says touching the ring and smiling back at me.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more." She says blushing and putting a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"If you say so." I reply and we just laugh and talk for the rest of the night until she had to go.

Rachel's p.o.v.
People might think why did I have the change of heart all of the sudden? I honestly have no answer. It just felt right to forgive him. I know what he did was a mistake and he would never do it again. So I just couldn't hold a grudge forever. Everything just feels right.

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