We have an announcement...

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Rachel's p.o.v.
"Auntie Rachel!!!" I hear a little girl call my name and I immediately recognize it. So I turn around and shout back.

"Beth!!!" I say then she runs and jumps into my arms.

"It's so good to see you Beth!! You look so old!!!" I say to her.

"Yep!!! And guess what?!" She says trying to contain her excitement.

"What?" I say putting my hands on my hips and bending down to her level.

"I'm this many now!!!! Isn't that a lot of many's?!!" She shouts holding up five fingers.

"Wow!!! You are such a big girl now!!" I say giggling.

"Yep!!" She says putting her hands on her hips.

You might be wondering why Quinn and puck have Beth now. Well after Quinn graduated her and Puck got like half custody of her so like on the weekends they would have her then Shelby would have her on the weekdays but after my mom died Puck and Quinn got full custody of her.

Finn's p.o.v.
I was with Puck cause he just got her and we were just staring at Rachel and Beth together. They were so cute. This just makes me even more excited for our little boy to come. Rachel is just so good with kids and so loving.

I got pulled out of my thought when a little girl jumps into my lap.

"Peanut is that you??" I say acting like I don't recognize her.

"Yep it's me!!! You probably don't recognize me because I got so big!!" She says in her cute girly voice.

"That's why!!!" I say to her then hug her while Rachel walks over and smiles at me as I smile back. Beth gets up and goes to the next chair where Puck is.

"Your so good with her." Rachel says with a smile and sits next to me.

"Not as good as you!" I say then pull her into to a hug.

"I can't wait for one day to come here with our little boy." Rachel tells me with a smile.

"Me too." I say back and kiss the top of her head.

"Hey everyone!!!" Mr. Shue says walking in with his family.

"Mr.Shue!!" I say to him and run over and give him a big hug. Everyone aww's and joins in on the group hug.

"So good to see you Finn." Mr.shue says to me.

"You too Mr.Shue." I say to him then hug him one more time then go back to Rachel and sit down with her.

"Ok before we go any farther me and Quinn have an announcement." Puck says.

~ yet again just another filler chapter!! But it will get better soon so just stick with me ;) and I'll be updating a lot more<3

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