Its a.....

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Rachel's p.o.v.
I'm on my way to the hospital to get Finn and I'm so happy. I can't even contain my excitement. Today's gonna be such a great day. Kurt wanted to have a welcome home party for him but I thought it would be to much so instead in a few days we are going to take a surprise trip to Ohio for a glee reunion with the glee alumni. Finn is going to be so happy but before I tell him we are going to find out the gender of our baby which I'm even more excited about. I finally arrive to the hospital and go up to his room and knock on the door.

"Come in!!" I hear Finn say. I smile to myself and walk in.

"Hey! You ready to go??" I saying walking over to him and we hug.

"Of course!! I can't wait to get out of this hell hole... and I'm so excited to see what this munchkin is gonna be!!" He says bending down to my stomach so he can kiss it. I just giggle. He smiles up at me and stands back up.

"So how are you doing today?" He says putting some of my hair behind my ear.

"Not to bad. I'm so excited!!!!" I squeal and he laughs at me.

"Well then let's go!!" He says grabbing his suitcase and we walk out of the hospital hand and hand then head to my appointment.

We get to the doctors office, I sign the paper work and we sit down together and just wait.

"So are you nervous?" Finn says grabbing my hand.

"Not really. You?" She replies looking up at me.

"I'm super nervous." He says with a sigh and a small smile

"Why??" I ask.

"Well this is my first time going to an appointment with you and I'm just nervous to see what happens I guess." He says with a small chuckle.

"Everything's gonna be fine trust me." I say rubbing his hand, he just smiles and nods.

"What do you want to have?" Finn says looking at me.

"It might sound crazy but I kinda want a boy." I say excitingly.

"I wouldn't mind a boy I could teach him how to play football. But a girl would be pretty cool too." He says smiling widely. I kiss his cheek then the doctor walks out.

"Rachel Berry?" The doctor calls out. Me and Finn stand up. We follow the doctor back to the room, when we get there I go to the table, lay down and lift my shirt up like usual. Only this time I have Finn here which makes it ten times better. He comes over to me, sits down, and holds on to my hand tightly. The doctor just puts the gel on my stomach and starts looking at the screen.

"Do you guys want to know the gender today?" He says looking back at us.

"Yes." Finn says then kissing my hand and I just smile at him.

"Well it looks your having a boy congratulations. I'll give you some time alone while I go print out the pictures." The doctor says with a smile then leaves.

Me and Finn just look at each other and we are both crying.

"I can't believe this. Rachel I'm so happy. I love you more than anything." Finn says then kisses me.

"Aw I love you too Finn. He already looks so cute." I say looking at the screen smiling.

"He really does." Finns says still in awe. After a couple more minutes of just staring at our baby I get up and clean the gel off my stomach then the doctor comes in.

"Ok so here's the pictures for you guys. Everything's good with the baby and it looks like your about 14 weeks so congrats again and I'll see you soon." The doctors says smiling at us, giving us the pictures, then we thank him and he leaves.

"You ready?" Finn says smiling.

"Yep let's go home." I smile and he helps me up and we leave.

Rachel's p.o.v.
Me and Finn get home from the baby's doctor appointment and we are so excited. We immediately sit on the couch and start ordering baby stuff.

"Oh I love that!!!" Finn says pointing to the football outfit.

"Really?? Cause I like this a lot better." I say pointing to the out that is a orange flannel onsie with a light blue bow tie.

"Nuh uh! I'm not letting my little boy wear that!!" He says clicking out of the website that the outfit was on. I laugh then look at him.

"Oh fine." I say playfully rolling my eyes then I kiss him.

We were laying in bed and Finn was sleeping next to me. He looks so exhausted I can tell he couldn't get a lot of sleep in the hospital. I was just watching tv while he slept when I felt the morning sickness hit me for the first time in like a week. I cover my mouth and run to the bathroom and start puking. I suddenly feel someone softly rubbing my back and hold up my hair.

"I'm so sorry." Finn says in a soft sad voice.

"It's fine. You should go back to bed you just got out of the hospital." I say to him with my head still in the toilet.

"No I don't care. I'm gonna stay here till your done." He says grabbing a hair tie and putting my hair up. I just nod.

Five minutes later I'm finally done I sit back and lean up against the wall wiping my mouth.

"I hate this." I say weakly.

"I know. I'm sorry hunny." He replies then hugs me and kisses my forehead.

"Come on let's go back to bed." He says helping me up. I just nod and follow him.

Finn's p.o.v.
I'm just laying here watching Rachel sleep, she fell to sleep right away when I got her back to bed. I feel so bad for her. The poor thing. This baby is really taking a toll on her. Good part is that the doctor says that the morning sickness should start to lighten up and eventually go away within the next week or so, so that's good. The part that's killing me the most is that she's had two months of this morning sickness and stuff and  I wasn't here for her. But I can't do anything about it now cause it's over with but I still feel so guilty.

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