Chapter 9

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The door opened again thirty minutes later, "Sorry love, I was helping my mum clean up and I said goodbyes to everyone."

"You're okay. Did Holly leave?"

"Yeah she left like five minutes after you came upstairs, are you good?" Niall noticed the change in my tone when I said her name.

"Yeah."  I down at my bag.

"You know you look away when you lie. I am sorry if she offended you."

"Are you shitting me?" I demanded. "She's a monster." 

 Niall took off his green O2 sweatshirt. "I know, I had no idea Holly was going to be here. I swear."

"I know, it's just I felt so bland compared to her. I mean you heard her, she studied in Paris and in Florence. I am just someone from America. I haven't even left the country before this."  He sat next to me. 

"Love, you are absolutely perfect to me. I love you the way you are. I don't need you to be well traveled. I would much rather be the one to travel and explore those places with you. And Holly can pound sand."

"She is determined to get you back. I mean look at her, she beautiful Niall. I mean the first second you saw her, I saw your face."

"What?" Niall yelled.

"I saw the way you were looking at her. Ya know before you glared at her."

"Why are you trying to start something? How did I look at her?

"Like the way I wish you'd look at me. You don't look at me that way. And I know I am not as stunning as she is. I do not have long legs nor beautiful freckles on my face." I whispered.

"Scar-" He reached for me.

I stepped back, "I'm sorry I dont mean to be insecure but I need to get some fresh air and think."

I walked towards the door. I stopped when I heard how quite Niall's voice was, "Think about what?" He asked.

I touched the knob and closed my eyes, "To think about us."

"What about us?"

I took my head off of the knob and faced him. "Here, just give me time." I handed him the ring. His blue eyes filled with tears.

"Please, stop. Let's just talk this out."

"Later please. I want to be alone,  this has been horrible." I opened the door and clsoed it. I closed my eyes and sighed.


I looked at the ring in my hand, this couldn't be it. I mean we just got here. If Holly- this is her fault. I went over to the trunk by the bed and reached for the bottle of whiskey I left in there from the last time I visited.

I twisted the lid and took a big swig of the bottle.  I am an idiot, I should have told her that she was more beautiful to me than Holly. Holly was a mistake I made over and over again out of self pity. But this thing with Scarlett, I know it's the real deal and that's why I put the ring on her finger. 

Instead, I just let her walk away. I took another big pull of the warming liquid.

"Niall." My mum opened the door. Her face was twisted with anger then softened when she saw the bottle in my hand.

"What?" I snarled as I took another swig.

"I saw Scarlett leave the house and I wanted to check on you, why are you drinking?"

"Mum, I need to be honest." My head was going fuzzy, this shit was strong. I mean for a 101 proof,  I do not expect anything less. "I drove her away. I should have told Holly to lelave from the moment I saw her here."

"Who did you drive away?" Her soft voice filled with worry. 

"The love of my life." I took another drink.

My mum's face fell. "But since you invited Holly, you ruined everything. I mean Holly helped in that as well. But my beautiful bride hates me now."

 "And I have no idea where she is. Maybe she'll get on the plane and never look back and I am going to have to live with that for the rest of my life."

"That's just the drink talking." my mum said quietly.

"Oh my-"

"NIALL JAMES HORAN." My mother interrupted, "I did not raise you this way. As if drinking was the answer to difficult life problems. That was your father's way, that will not be your way."

I sat the bottle on the nightstand, "You will fix this. I already called Greg to turn around to go see if he can find her since you are too caught up in your own self to help. I hope that she will forgive you because I can't. All I see is your father." 

My other may have left the room but her words still hung in the air. My dad always got drunk and said whatever he wanted without the fear of repercussions. I can't recall the amount of times he made my mother cry and left her disappointed. 

He was the reason for their divorce, as if he could be sober enough to care. I couldn't be like him, my mum deserved more than that. 

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