Chapter 12

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"What are you getting ready for babe?" Niall came up behind me as I straightened my hair in the bathroom. He put his hands on my waist and rested his head on my shoulders. 

"We have plans." I smiled. 

"Oh, sounds great. Does it involve a bed?" He lightly kissed my neck. "No, ew gross."

"Oh so now I am gross?" I shrugged and nodded. "I'll show you gross." He grinned devilishly. 

"Nope, I have a straightener in my hand, that could burn your face." I smiled.

"Okay, um does our plans involve food?" 

"Perhaps." I smiled. "Um, would you be mad if I made lunch plans with your father and his fiancée?"

"What?" Niall took a step back. 

"Don't." I told him. 

He groaned, "Scarlett, why did you do that?'

I sat my straightener down, "I just thought it would be nice to meet him before hand. I'm sorry, I thought you would be happy." 

He sighed and pulled me in for a hug, "I am as long as you're with me, I will always be hapy."

I kissed his cheek. I sighed. 

"What was that sigh for?" He asked. 

"Well, its noon and we have two hours till lunch-"

"But?" Niall grinned. 

I shook my head, "I am so going to hell."


"This." I pushed him into the bedroom.

"Yupp." Niall said in between kisses, he threw me on the bed. He began slipping off my pink satin robe revealing my black lacy bra and underwear and tights. "We're so going to hell." 

. . . . . 

 "I don't see why I have to come." Niall groaned as I lead him through the streets of Mullingar. We dodged past people. "Geez, don't people have jobs?" I growled.

Niall chuckled, "This is why I love you."

"Okay, ha- ha" I chuckled fakely, "Do you see him?" I asked as we rounded the corner.

We were at a café called, Greenfield. "Niall?" A voice called.

We turned to see a middle aged man smiling at us. "Holy shit," Niall said.

"You must be Scarlett." The man walked over to us. He had Illuminating blue eyes like Niall's. His dark hair was beginning to turn silver.

"Hi, Mr. Horan." I smiled.

"Call me Bobby, now come." He waved us over to the table.

We weaved past the other chairs, Bobby was sitting with a very beautiful woman. She had dark hair and very strong jawline.

"Barbara this is my son, Niall. And his girlfriend Scarlett." Bobby smiled.

I saw Niall's jaw clench. I put my hand on his leg to calm him down. "Its so great to meet Bobby's son," She smiled. She was American for sure.

"So Scarlett," Bobby smiled at me, "How long have you two been seeing each other?"

"A couple of months." I said.

"Very nice. So how long are you two in town?"

"A week." Niall growled.

"Will you be attending the wedding?" Barbara smiled.


"Oh yay!!!" She giggled.

"Son," Bobby said. Niall tensed up. "I was wondering if you and Scarlett would like to stay with us until the wedding."

"No" "Yes." Niall and I said at the same time.

"I mean." Niall said, "We'll talk about it tonight."

"Alright, well." Bobby looked at his watch, "Oh dear. Barb honey, we have to get the rest of the details finalized."

"Oh yes. It was a pleasure to meet you." She smiled at all of us. We all stood up. Bobby threw a twenty on the table.

Barbara hugged Niall and then me. She smelt like vanilla, it was a bit overwhelming.

Bobby hugged me and Niall.

"Let me know son. Scarlett, you still have my number?"

I nodded. "Perfect. Love you." Bobby whisked Barbara away.

Niall stormed off.

"Niall." I called after him as I followed behind him, trying to run in my wedges. My yellow dress clung to my body as the wind blew.

He was definitely pissed.

"Niall I was just trying to help."

He whirled around, "Well stop!!" He yelled.

I stopped walking but he didn't. I looked down at the ground. He walked across the street towards the park. Give him his time, I could find Maura's house on my own.

Don't be sad.

Don't cry.

"Shop." I told myself. "I am in freaking Ireland and I haven't gone into the stores." After all I was attending a wedding soon. I looked at Niall one last time and turned towards the stores.

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