Chapter 17

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(This chapter is dedicated to lost_princess88, she has been such a great friend!! Please go and follow her!!)

"Please come back and visit me soon." Maura hugged Niall as we stood on the front porch, saying goodbye.

"Course mum." He said gruffly but I knew he was holding back tears. "I love you." She said into his shoulder. Niall's dad's car was parked in the driveway as he waited for us to say goodbye.

Maura pulled away her eyes full of tears, "Well, I should let you go. Come here you." She told me. I walked over to her and she started sobbing into my shoulders.

"Take good care of my baby." She told me. I held in tears as I held the frail woman. I nodded, "Of course Maura."

She pulled back smiling, "Call me mum. Alright, get out of here you two." Niall faked a smile, "Bye mum. Love you tons."

"I love you both." Niall pulled me towards his dad's white escalade. "Bye Maura." I called as I got into the door with Niall's help.

She stood there waving, a smile plastered on her face along with tears.

Niall got in on the otherside.

"Alright" Bobby called, "Here we go!"

. . . .

Bobby stayed in a two story old Victorian styled house. It was absolutely breath taking.

"Your rooms are in the east wing." Bobby said as we walked inside. "Barb, they're here." Bobby's voice echoed through the house. Inside was even more breathtaking. Reds, creams exploded inside the living room. It was so beautiful.

"Wait, rooms?" Niall echoed.

"Yes, you actually thought I was going to let you two sleep together?' Bobby asked.

"Dad-" Niall said.

"Your mother, might let you two have sex under her roof but not mine." He said. Niall clamped his fist shut. "Seriously, dad."

"Oh wait you two haven't?"

"Dad, shut up. Come on Scar, lets go upstairs." 

Niall and I walked over to the East wing.

Niall didn't say a word as we walked towards our rooms. He was beyond mad.

" I guess I'll go stay in here." I pointed to a door or the left of the hall.

Niall nodded as he took the room across the hall. Well shit, I his dad was being kind of a douche.

Bobby could have said he didn't want us to have sex instead of separating us like we're children.

Wait, did he know Niall and I were engaged. Holy crap, I slapped my forehead. Bobby doesn't know we're engaged. That means Niall didn't tell his fucking dad like he was suppose too.

I groaned and flopped on the blue full bed. I missed Maura's four poster bed right now. I missed Niall.

I faced the ceiling, I missed home as well.

I missed seeing Alex.

Arguing with Christy.

Listening to Tracy's endless ramble.

Someone knocked on the door, "Come in."

Niall came in, "Hey we talk about something?"

I nodded as he sat on the bed.

"What's up?" I sat up.

"Something has been bothering me since we first got here."

"What is it?"

"The secretarial job you have." Shit, I completely forgot about that.

"Um yeah, this kid I have been friends with since I was 12 has a publishing company and his current secretary is pregnant and so he offered me the job and I took it." I said.

"Oh," Niall said.

"Why has it been bothering you?"

"Well, you want to move out here but yet you still accept a job out in-" He paused, " where is the company located."

Shit, another thing I forgot to tell him. No the company isn't in California. I planned on going to school at WSU, so I needed to find a job near it.

"In  Washington." I smiled apologetically.

He flopped back on the bed groaning.

"Niall." I said.

"Uhhhh Scar." He groaned.

"Yes?" I smiled.


"I love you."

"I know." He sighed, "I love you. Ugh, god."

I curled up next to him. My head on his chest, I could feel his heart beating rapidly.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Why did you agree to marry me?" He asked.

"Niall." I said.

"Please." He pleaded.

"I married you because I knew I was in love with you." I said.

He smiled, "That's good to know. So you wouldn't change a thing, I mean what if I never came back. Would you be with Tyler?"

"Niall, not even!!" I shouted.

"Why did you two even break up. You never told me."

"He cheated on me." I paused, I was trying to think of how to tell him I had an abusive boyfriend. "And, he hit me." I said quietly.

"What?!" Niall sat up abruptly.

"Niall its nothing."  

"No its something!! Why the fuck did he lay his hands on you!!!! I'm going to kill him." Niall's blue eyes filled with rage.

"It was my fault." I said.

"HOW THE FUCK WAS IT YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled.

"I-I" I was scared of Niall, "I don't know."

"He is dead when we get back. He's eighteen now, I can kick his ass."

"No." I grabbed Niall's arm, "Please let it alone."

 "I can't! Scar, he hurt you." Niall's eyes filled with tears.

"I've been hurt before, I'm use to it. I'm also use to people leaving." I admitted. Niall put his hand on my arm and looked into my eyes. I continued, "If I have had something that made it hard to say goodbye too, I consider myself lucky."

"I don't want you to say goodbye, I don't want to hurt you." Niall pleaded.

"I know. I'll be alright okay, but don't do anything you'll regret."

Niall looked at me before responding, "When it comes to you, I'll never regret anything."

I didn't respond, I looked at the floor. How did I know he wasn't lying.

Niall tipped my chin up forcing me to look him in the eyes, "Scarlett Rose Adams, I love you okay. Don't ever think everwise. Its going to be me and you. I don't care where we live, what job we have, I just can't wait to start my life with you."

I smiled, "You know what excatly to say to make me feel better."

"I'll never leave you." He said.

"Pinky promise?" I held out my tiny pinky. Niall smiled and wrapped his giant pinky around mine, "Pinky promise. I really do like your ring." I smiled and leaned forward, sealing our promise.

(Hey guys!!! I am soooooo sorry i haven't updated in forever, i have been addicted to sooo many stories right now!! I need a favor of you guys, please check out my first collab fan fiction called 'Mind Games' it would mean so much to me and the other writer.Please comment and vote what you thought of Scarlett and Niall's moment and promise!!Love you all, Tia)

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