Chapter 35

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*Four Days Later*

"Goodmorning Mr. Payne." I smiled as I entered Liam's office the next morning. I carried a cup of coffee from the local market.

"Goodmorning, Miss Adams. Congratulations." Liam smiled.

"On what? Here's your coffee, two sugars no cream." I said.

"Thank you. And your marriage being moved up." He said. "Got the invitation late last night. My maid brought it to me."

"Oh, I am sorry if it disruppted you." I said.

"Not at all, just remember if you ever need to get away. I am just a phone call away. Man, three days, nervous?" He smiled.

"Extremely." I returned.

"Don't worry. I'll be there in the second row." He smiled.

"Thanks Liam." I said. My stomach was queasy.

"Hey are you okay? You look like something is bothering you." Liam studied my face. I took a seat and looked at him, "Just really tired. You know with all the planning for the wedding. Family starts arriving today." I said.

"Oh man, thats gotta be rough. Yours or his?"

"Both. God, I am terrifed. His grandma is coming today and his aunts and uncles and cousins." I said.

Liam chuckled, "Just be polite."

"What do you know about meeting your significant others family?" I teased.

"Psh, please. Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts love me." Liam took a sip of his coffee.

"What about fathers?" I smiled.

"Fascinated by me." He said immediately with a straight face. I burst out laughing.

"What you think I am kidding?" Liam said cocky.

"Yes, at least I hope." I smiled.

"Well look here missy. I am THE dream man. I own my own business, I have two houses, I have manners, I respect women, I know how to dance, and I court woman properly." Liam bragged.

"Lucky." I muttered under my breath. I couldn't dance for shit. I tripped over my own feet. At my sweet sixteen, I was dancing with Tyler and I fell on my ass, in my dress.

"What?" He asked.

My face grew red, "It's nothing."

"Tell me." His voice was stern.

"I wish I knew how to dance, I mean I am going to fall at my own wedding and people are going to laugh at me." I said.

"No they aren't." Liam said.


"No because you won't fall." Liam told me.

"Have you seen me dance? I am awful." I said.

"No but I am going to teach you." Liam stood up.

"No that's okay." I protested.

"Come on." He grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "Consider it my wedding gift to you."

I smiled up at him.

"Okay, so." Liam began instructions. "Put you hand in mine and the other on my shoulder." he said.g

I placed my hand on his shoulder and pressed my hand in his. "Like that?" I looked up to see Liam's eyes on me. He nodded.

"And we're just going to sway to the music." Liam nodded.

"But there isn't any." I said. Liam broke away from me and walked over to his desk and turned on music on his phone. I instantly recognized the tune. It was 'Glass' By Thompson Square. Liam placed his hand on my hip and the other in my hand.

We began swaying to the music. "You know, if you ever brake, I'll be there to pick up the pieces." Liam said after the silence.

I looked at him, "You will?"

He nodded, "We break fast, cause we are glass." He sang to the tone of the song. His voice was lovely. I nearly melted into him. Then it hit me, he wasn't Niall. This felt wrong, only because for some reason it felt right.

I pulled away. Liam looked at me, "You okay?"

"I have to go write a paper for school, I'm sorry. Thank you for teaching me how to dance." I rushed out of the office. I closed the doors behind me. I leaned against them.

What was wrong with me? I was going to get married in the next few days and I was just slow dancing with my boss!?!?!

. . . .

I walked through Niall's condo. He gave me a key earlier so it wasn't like I was breaking and entering. "Niall?" I called. My voice echoed off the walls.

"In the guest room." Niall called. I walked down the hall to see Niall making them bed and cleaning the room like crazy. The thing is, the room was already clean. "I have so much to do!" He exclaimed.

"Niall its clean in here." I told him.

He shook his head and began dusting the window seal. "No, its not. So much to do."

I walked over to him and grabbed his hands forcing him to stop. He looked into my eyes, I smiled. He didn't.

"Niall, why are you worrying soo much? Your family is just going to be glad too see you." I said.

"I know but Scar, they're my family. I need to impress them. I want them to see I'm not some adulter, that I actually care about things besides myself."

I smiled, "Niall, you're getting married. I'm pretty sure you care about someone other than yourself." He tried to hide his smile, "You know how to make me feel better."

I leaned in and kissed his cheek, "Good." Some one knocked on the door.

"Oh fuck me now." He groaned as he pulled away.

"How about later?" I winked as I followed him out.

"Scarlett Rose Adams." He smiled as he walked towards the door. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a cup.

"Hey Nan!" He exclaimed. I nearly choked on my water, his nan was here.

"Move Niall," I heard her say. Her voice was small but cute. "Where is your lovely fiancee?"

I put my glass away and walked into the living room. She was tiny but soo adorable. "Hello, Mrs.-" She pulled me in for a hug, "Call me Nan."

I smiled as I hugged her. "Now," She pulled away smiling, "Are you ready to meet the rest of the family?"


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