Chapter 33

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"I-I" I stuttered. I couldn't believe this was happening. "W-what about the holly thing?" I asked.

"I don't care, I want to prove that I am completely dedicated and in love with the most amazing yet beautiful girl ever. I want to marry you tomorrow." Niall smiled.

"I-I. Niall what about our family?" I asked.

"I don't need them there. I don't wanna wait any longer to make you Mrs. Scarlett Horan. What do you say?" His blue eyes were full of excitement. I wanted to marry him tomorrow but I couldn't.

"Niall, I want to marry you tomorrow, I really do." I said. "But-"

His smile faded, "But what?" He asked.

"I need my family here, the soonest I can do is next week." I smiled.

His face lit up and he hugged me, "God, I love you soooo damn much! If I have to wait a week than fine. But not a day more, I don't mind a day less but not a day more Scarlett. Not one damn day."

He pressed his lips to mine as I smiled.

"Well, I should probably go break the news to Christy." I smiled.

. . . . . .

"Are you sure about this?" Christy looked from me to Niall.

I looked over at Niall and down at our clasped hands. "Yes." I said.

"Well," Christy said, "I'll let everyone know. We just need to book the spot and order your cake." She stood up and walked into the kitchen leaving me and Niall in the living room. "I should go talk to her." I said.

Niall nodded.

I walked into the kitchen to find Christy holding a phone and wiping her eyes.

"Hey Scar." She quickly wiped at her eyes.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"I just cant believe this all happening, I am so happy." She smiled.

I hugged her, "Thank you. Thank you for being an amazing and strong when I wasn't."

She squeezed me, "Don't thank me."

I pulled away and looked at her, "I should go tell Tracey." I smiled.

"Yeah, you should." She smiled.

"I am gonna head back to my apartment  to go clean up." Niall said as I walked into the living room, I nodded. He walked over and kissed my cheek. I waved as he exited.

. . . .

I looked at he familiar white house, it was two stories high and beautifully sculpted. Breathe, just breathe.

I walked up to the red door, my heels clicked as I stood in the threshold.

I knocked on the door.

The door opened.

"Scar?" His eyes widened.

"Hi Tyler." I waved.

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