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"Why do you want to leave me, Dyl?" I whimper as he packs the rest of his things in his suitcase.

Yes, today is the day my best friend of 5 years leaves. His dad got a promotion and has to leave to live in Malibu so he is closer to his other work building. Of course, Dylan didn't take this well, nor I, but I guess sulking doesn't stop him from moving over 35 hours away. It was very upsetting, though.

We both grew up in Washington, he was basically leaving his past behind, and his past involved me.

"I'll come back one day, Mars, I promise." He says re-assuring me but it doesn't work.
"What if you forget me?" I say, feeling the tears prickle my eyes at the thought of not mattering to him anymore.
"I would never forget you Mara." He says, hugging me tightly.

"Promise you won't forget me." I sob holding onto my best friend.
He grabs my hand, entwining his pinky finger with mine and making me look into his hunter green eyes.
"Pinky swear."

I felt a piece of me break when he stepped onto that plane. My other half was gone. As you can probably tell, I've had a huge crush on Dylan since we met at 8 years old.

I remember me crying because I broke a crayon, I was scared I'd be in trouble and Dylan took the blame for me. We instantly became friends after that and my crush grew. I thought I'd grow out of it but at 13, I still haven't.

He'd meant a lot to me growing up. If anyone caused trouble with me he'd be there to either threaten to punch them or actually do it. When my dad...fell ill about a year ago, he was my shoulder to cry on, he helped me sleep at night knowing I could...lose my father. He was my rock, my everything. And now I'll never get the chance to tell him that.

I arrive home and the tears finally slide down my face.

I hate the world.

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Tell me what you think so I know whether to write another.


-Zoe 🐢

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