Ten:A smile

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Despite everything, Dylan didn't treat me any different. Well, things didn't get awkward anyway. We had gotten closer and we're acting more like a couple than just friends. We would hold hands down the corridor and our hugs were a little too friendly. Overall things got better for the two of us.

Everyone assumed we were a couple but we didn't bother to object, us ourselves felt like one as well so it didn't make a difference to us.

My mom was happy to see Dylan again, she welcomed him with open arms. When he didn't ask about my father, I assumed he had realised he wasn't there and guessed that he didn't make it. I was thankful he didn't ask.

When we went up to my room I was not expecting what was about to happen.

He sat down on my bed and patted the seat next to him. I complied and sat down as her looked me in the eyes.
He holds my hand lightly in his and we just stare endlessly into each others eyes. His hunter green orbs bored into my sea blue ones and we sat there for what seemed like hours in silence.
"You're so beautiful." He says breaking the silence. I blush and look away.
"Don't what?" I ask, still looking at the floor.
"Be embarrassed." He says, turning my face towards him. "You really are beautiful." I smile at him, I've been doing that a lot lately around him.

"Fuck it." He says shaking his head and smashes his lips onto mine.


It's short but you love me ;)


-Zoe 🐺

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