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"No Mara! I don't love anyone but you. You're my everything, Mara, nothing matters to me but you." Taylor says and lifts my chin up with his fingers.

He slowly moves closer as his eyes flicker down to my lips.

"I love you."

He moves closer and is about to press him lips to mine when "One dance" By Drake booms through the room.

I wake up and groan, slapping my phone and throwing it to the floor. I was about to kiss TAYLOR LAUTNER in my dream then of course Drake has to ruin it!

I hate the world!

I groan and pick up my phone, going to the bathroom and blasting music out as I take a shower and brush my teeth. After I am clean, I wrap the towel around me and go find clothes.

Rooting through my drawer, I find some white ripped jeans and a black ribbed crop top. I throw them on and go to my mirror to do a little simple makeup.

I put on face powder and a little mascara, I don't ever go over the top with makeup, just a little to make me more confident.

Just before I leave I go into that room. The room I dread going in evert day as I have to see what state my mother is in. I walk in and quietly close the door behind me. There she is, sitting up in bed staring blankly at the wall, as always.

"Hey mom." I say forcing a smile. When she doesn't answer I speak again. "Mom." To my sororities she turns her head to look at me.
"What." She says coldly, great, I've caught her at the wrong time.

"I was just checking on you." I smile again and it is still fake.
"Well I'm not a child and you're not responsible in any way so stop acting like you're trying to help when all you do is make things worse. Get out." She says and looks at the wall again. I blink back my tears, nodding silently and walk out the room, mumbling an apology.

Not letting the tears fall, I concentrate on getting ready and think about what's going to happen today. Well it's the 26th of October so that means Megan's 18th birthday. She's older than all of us, Emerald, Stella and I are all 17 whilst she is the eldest.

Another thing that will happen is that Jake, the "bad boy" of the school will, again, try to get in my pants despite the fact that he knows I'd rather eat a live tarantula than be even with in an inch of proximity to him.

And lastly, I will fall asleep in physics class because there cannot be a more boring class. Besides math, of course. But with a teacher like Ms Peters, falling asleep in math gets you put on death row, you're lucky if you survive the whole year in that class.

Putting on a sleeveless leather jacket and converse, I grab my things and walk out of the door, not bothering to say goodbye to my mother, today is definitely one of her bad days.

Sighing, I head out of the door and to my favourite place in the world.


I know, I'm on a roll right? ;)


-Zoe 🐺

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