Thirty:I hate hospitals

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I flutter my eyes open. 

What a pleasant dream.

I think to myself as i recall my childhood memory.

I attempt to get out of bed but find myself unable to move.

I look around to see that I am in a plain white room with wires attached to about every square inch of my body.

"Relax Miss Goodwin, you're in a hospital room. You collapsed and went into a minor coma." A doctor with a deep voice says calmly.


I think to myself as I panic.

"I want to see my mom." I croak and he nods.

"I'll go get her."

After a few moments, two people enter my room.

A female- my mom. And a male I know all too well.

"Dylan.." I trail. Before anything else is said, I am pulled into a pair of muscular arms.

Dylan nuzzles his nose in the crook of my neck  "Thank god you're okay." He whispers.

I wrap my arms around him back and all too soon he pulls away.

"Mom." I say as tears brim my eyes.

"Mara.." she replies and I am pulled into another pair of arms.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there baby." She cries into my shoulder.

"You couldn't have known mom." I say, calming her slightly.

"I don't want to take away your life but you need to be more careful Mara, or you will have to stay at the hospital. And not get out." She says as her voice quivers.

"I'm not staying here." I say angrily. I hate hospitals. I always have.

"You will have no choice if it gets too bad. I'd rather not have something happen to you while I'm not even around. I would hate myself if something else happened at school because you haven't been talking care of yourself." She says, looking to the floor.

"I'll be more carful mom." I assure her and she nods.

"Good. I don't want that to happen ever again, understand? Or you'll be back here before you can say cheese." She says sternly.

"Cheese? Really mom?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm serious."

"I know, I understand.." I sigh.

"I just want what's best for you honey." She says with a sad smile. "Anyway, I'll leave you and Dylan to catch up." She says, winking as she leaves the room.

I wish she didn't leave as the look on Dylan's face makes me want to shrivel up into a tiny ball and be ignored.

"Why didn't you tell me you were having dizzy spells?" He says, his voice laced with anger as he tried to hold it back.

"I didn't think it was important-"

"Of course it was important Mara! You have cancer for gods sake! Stop being so naive and thinking you'll be fine all the time- you are clearly not fine!" He snaps and I can't say anything because I know he is right.

"I'm sorry-"

"Sorry doesn't bring someone back to life Mara."

"I'm not dead-"

"You could have died! Do you not see how serious this is? Stop being so stupid Mara and quit acting like a lying child!" He yells.

"Dylan just-"

"Don't 'Dylan just..' me! You don't get to decide anymore Mara. Beggars can't be choosers and you are certainly in no position to be deciding not to tell anyone when something is wrong. How am I meant to leave for London when I can't even trust that you'll be honest about your health. Do you even care if you die?"

"Is that what this is? You think I don't care that in 5 months my life is over!? I'm 17 Dylan! I haven't even finished school and I'm never going to! So I did something stupid, sorry for wanting to live like a normal teenager does. Sorry for wanting to not think about the fact that I'm dying for just one day! Sorry for wanting to be treated normally. Sorry for being so fucking scared of everything because I know that any minute I could just be gone-" I say, my voice cracking at the end as I feel hot tears fall from my eyes.

"I'm sorry okay? I'm so fucking sorry." I say as I put my hands over my eyes and break down.

Right after, I am pulled into a hard chest.

"What am I gonna do with you Mara?" Dylan whispers, rocking me back and fourth in his arms.

"You're right. You're right I'm so stupid. I should have told you. I should have said something I'm so, so sorry." I sob.

"Don't be Mara. Just please, please tell me when something's not right. I want to help you Mara, I love you." He replies softly.

"I will, I promise." I whisper.

"I love you too."


This book is coming to an endddd

Only a few more chapters to go!

This chapter wasn't mean to be as long as it was but it didn't feel right splitting the chapters up. So you ended up getting a longer chapter anyway :)


-Zoe 🐢💜

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