Eight:Coming clean

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Ahh, Mondays. Don't you wish they would burn in hell?

Me too.

Today is the day I tell Dylan how I feel. I decided while I was in the middle of throwing up this morning that I was going to come clean.

My conscience was bothering me all night so I made my decision.

I will invite him to my house, let him say hello to my mother, then we will go upstairs and I will prepare for my life to be over.

Sounds like a great plan to me.

I put on the first thing I find in my wardrobe and throw it on. I don't bother with makeup, it will probably come off when I throw up again later anyway.

I put on my vans and go downstairs. Realising I am going to be late, I grab an apple for breakfast and give my mom a kiss on the cheek goodbye.

With that, I leave the house and prepare for hell.



Hell yeah.

So today's the day.

As you can tell, I wimped out on Sunday. I was pacing my room for an hour before deciding to wait until Monday to tell her.

Ya know, make the fact that she hates Mondays worse because every time Monday comes she will remember when I told her I liked her and remember the day she possibly slapped her best friend for being an idiot.

This may seem extreme but I know Mara, she would do exactly that.

I don't bother making an effort. I throw on a random pair of jeans, a shirt and my vans and grab a piece of toast from the rack. I say goodbye to my mom and walk out the door.

Today's gonna be a long day.


My breathing is heavy with nervousness on the way to school. I went over in my head what I was going to say beforehand, of course, but when under pressure, my brain likes to forget how to speak english and I end up saying things in a language that doesn't exist. Or, I stand there in silence like they said they wanted to say something.

But Dylan's my best friend, it's not gonna be like that right?



I push the thoughts out of my head when I arrive at school and see Stella. I walk up to her and say hi before we se Emerald and Megan walking up together too.

"How was your weekend?" Stella asks.
"It was good." I reply.
"Did you tell loverboy how you feel." I look at her in shock.
"How did you-"
"Oh come on it's obvious!" She shouts. "I've seen the way you look at him, everyone has." I find myself staring at her, wide eyed with my mouth in the shape of an 'o'

"Close your mouth, we might fall in." Emerald says as they reach us, making me clamp my mouth shut.
"What's got you so wide eyed then?" She asks and Stella smirks at me.
"Oh nothing, she just forgot to do the assignment." She says and I open my mouth again.

"Assignment?!" Emerald and I say in a panic.

"Yeah...you guys didn't forget about the assignment right?" Megan says and I practically feel my mouth fall off.

Stella says, "The one Mr Robinson gave us? And he said if it wasn't it then there'd be a 2 hour detention and a parent evening." I feel like a human black hole with how wide my eyes and mouth are.

"Relax you two, we're just messing with ya." Megan laughs and I relax my mouth. I sigh in relief.
"Gosh don't do that to me guys." I sigh and run a hand down my face. They both chuckle and I join them.

"Can I join in on the joke?" A male voice says and I immediately stop laughing.

"Em, Megs, I need to talk to you a sec." Stella says and I glare at her. She did that on purpose!

"Soo..." Dylan says when we are alone.
"It was just a stupid joke." I scoff, shaking my head and looking to the ground.

"Well...I'm glad I saw you, because I have something to tell you." He says nervously.


"Oh good, I've got something to tell you too." This makes him look up and he quirks an eyebrow.


When Mara tells me she has something to tell me, i am very curious as to what she has to say.

"Okay, you go first." I say.

"Ha, no way, you."

"No, you."


"Nope, definitely you."







"Fine!" I shout, throwing my hands in the air.
"Aww, but it was my turn." She pouts, which is very cute might I add.


"Do you want me to say it or not?"

"Tell me then!"

"Give me chance!"

"Hurry up!"

"Stop talking and let me then!"

"I have!"

"You just spoke again."

"Oh are you going to say it or not?"

"I have feelings for you okay!?"



Oh dear.

Next time!


-Zoe 🐺

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