Thirteen:Falling apart

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I feel nothing but pain as the words leave the doctors mouth.

I am going to lose her.

In a matter of six months she won't even be here anymore.

I want to break down but I have to stay strong, for her and her mother.

Her mom bursts out crying as soon as the news hits her ears and she holds on to her daughter for dear life.

"No my baby!" She screams and cries into her daughters chest.

I can't take it anymore. I storm out of the room and get to the corridor. When I see that it is empty, a yell and punch the walls as hard as I can. The tears stream down my face as I slide down against a the wall, hang my head down and letting out a wretched sob.

"Dylan..." I hear a weak voice whisper and my head snaps up to see Mara, looking terrified.

"Mara..." I whisper and my eyes glisten with tears again. She bites her bottom lip and squeezes her eyes shut.

"I'm so scared." She whispers and I run towards her. I hold her in my arms as she sobs into my shirt.

"I'm scared too, Mars, more than ever." I say into her hair.

"Don't leave me." She says and we slide down into the floor.

"Never." I say strongly and feel the tears come again.

But please don't leave me either.

"I don't want to die Dylan." She says pulling away.  "I haven't even lived yet." She says as tears glisten her eyes.
"I want to go to prom, have my first date, be heartbroken then see Stella kick the guys ass. I want to graduate and fall in love. I want to get married and have kids. I want to warn my girls about boys and tell my boys not to break girls' hearts. I want to grow old and see my grandchildren. I want to see my kids get married and cry at their wedding. I want to grow old with the love of my life and die of old age knowing I've left such an amazing family behind. I don't want to die!" She screams as tears stream down her face.

My heart breaks so much that I know it is unfixable and right there and then, I feel my life fall apart.


I was listening to the song All of me while writing this and I bawled my eyes out. I know what it's like to know you're going to lose someone to cancer and it upset me to write this.

Remember you are not alone.


-Zoe 🐺

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