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A small part of my heart is actually fixed as I rethink back to what happened.

A bucket list.

I can do that.

I think to all the things I've always wanted to do as ideas spring to my mind. I find myself smiling as I remember I no need to write down

"Have my first kiss." Or "Get the boy of my dreams" because I already have it and honestly it's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

I finish writing my very Lange list and smile again. I put it in my drawer where I will remember where it is and lay in my bed, thinking about today's events.

I wake up to knocking on my window and I immediately know who it is.

I smile to myself and walk over to the window.

Sliding it open, I am met by a smiling Dylan.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I humour.

"Haha, I'm laughing. Now let me in, it's cold out here." He says and I laugh. He jumps through and huffs.
"Hey mole." He says casually.
"God can you stop using that nickname?" I ask annoyed.

"Why?" He smirks, obviously amused.

"Because it's old, it's not even funny anymore." I glare, folding my arms across my chest.
"I like it, it's cute on you." He says and I can't glare any longer. I crack up laughing and he joins me.

"Fine, I'll stop calling you that, but only if I can call you something else." He suggests and I raise an eyebrow.

"Mine." He says and bursts out laughing. After about a minute he starts holding his stomach.

"Wow, cheesy much?" I laugh.

"How about princess?" He asks.

"Princess?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Because you're so beautiful, you remind me of a princess." He laughs again and I laugh along with him.

"What's this? Worst pickup lines complication?" I chuckle.

"But seriously, hello." He says and places a kiss on my lips making me smile.

"Hi." I reply with a goofy grin.

"Did you do it?" He asks and I nod, pulling out the list.

"Lets get started." He smiles, grabbing the list from me.


Last chapter of the week! 😁

I hope you've enjoyed my streak because it has definitely been difficult.

I will try and do constant updates.


- Zoe 🐺

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