Twenty-Eight Part Two:Notes

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So I may be a little too excited about the note.

But I'm a naturally flirtatious person, don't blame me if all the guys are falling for me.

I excitedly leave my English classroom and head to the math block.

I make my way to Mr Rodgers room.

When I get there- let's just say Mara isn't going to be alive much longer.



"Ooo someone's got an admirer." Says Garret, one of my friends.

"Shut it." I say, shoving his face away.

I shove my books in my locker along with the note and walk to Biology.


The classes drag on and when the bell goes after what feels like hours, I don't waste any time.

I dash out of the classroom before we are dismissed and head towards math.

I open the closed door and walk inside.

When I see that no one is there, I shrug and sit on a table to wait.

After about a few minutes, the sound of the doorknob moving causes me to lift up my head. However when I do, I wish I didn't.



I'm in deep shit.

I try my best to run away, as a crazed and furious Stella chases after me, but exhaustion takes over me and I collapse against some lockers.

"YOU! You vile, loathsome little cockroach!" I hear a female say but I don't have the energy to open my eyes. I throw my head back against the locker.

Since break I've been getting dizzy spells and my energy is at 0%.

"Why would you do that to me!?" Stella screams, still.

"It...was a...joke." I breath as it seems to take so much more effort to only say a few words.

"Oh come on! You can't be out of breath from running a few metres." She says, annoyance clear in her tone.

"Not my fault this cancer is making me weak." I exhale before everything starts to get darker.

All energy leaves my body as I see all light fade. I manage to slur out a few words before everything goes black.

"Who turned out the...lights"


Noo Mara :(



-Zoe 🐢💜

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